Stability Ball Planks


Stability Ball Masters,

Please give me some tips on doing the plank. I can do one, then the ball veers off to the side.
Here's what works for me.

I put my hands slightly wider than shoulder width. I also splay my fingers and try to put the majority of weight on my hands.

I also make sure that my back, especially the lower back, is not sagging in any way. I try to keep my hips in an anterior tilt the whole time. This really stablizes the lower body and works the core something fierce.

Finally, when coming out of a roll out or plank, it's tempting to let the weight of your body bring you back to parallel. I resist this temptation and really try to guide the ball back out.

All this being said, when Cathe asks us to raise one leg off the ball, I'm more than likely going to start tipping and rolling all over the place.

As they say, practice makes perfect, so keep trying!

Can you explain the anterior tilt of the hips please? Do you mean that they're pressed down during the excersize?

Thanks for your input!
>Can you explain the anterior tilt of the hips please? Do you
>mean that they're pressed down during the excersize?
>Thanks for your input!

I'll try to explain this with a visual.

When you're standing, if you stick/thrust your butt out, trying to show off your booty, you create a posterior tilt to in your hips.

Conversely, if you try to tuck your butt in and kind of under you and squeeze your cheeks, you create an anterior tilt in your hips.

So I like to hold an anterior tilt, where my hips are tucking forward. I don't make it too exaggerated, just enough to keep the pressure off my lower back and engage the core.


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