Squeeze - first impression

Second opinion of sqeeze is even better. I did the hour workout w/ added sections from the custom menue. This workout is better the second go round. Once you know what is in store and can really focus on 'squeezing" and working the correct muscle groups. It's fantastic. Again, a great workout for non jumping days. At my age I want more and more days with one foot on the floor :)Hoping next time the workout is longer so I don't need to add on.
Well I emailed Tracy and told her how much I liked Squeeze and that I normally work out with Cathe. Got a reply thanking me and saying that she thought Cathe was great and receiving a compliment from a Cathe fan really made her feel good.
What is CC and Treads? I don't often have a chance to check on the forums so don't know always what the abbreviations mean.
Squeeze is a really great workout. A nice change, ya know? By the way, Barry's Boot Camp kicked my butt last night. Geeze. Anyone else's?
RE: Squeeze-first impression

>What is CC and Treads?

CC = Cardio coach (directed interval workouts on CD : www.cardiocoach.com )
Treads = itreads (I think these are downloadable audio treadmill workouts for the Ipod).

I just received Squeeze yesterday, but haven't previewed yet. My playground ball (purple with pink and blue flower on, LOL) is ready to go, though!
RE: Squeeze-first impression

I emailed Tracy about future workouts, and she replied that she is planning on another Squeese that will have a lower body focus. :) She is working on finding the right company to film.
RE: Squeeze-first impression

Since I tend to follow Cathe's monthly rotations how would this "Squeeze" workout fit into any of her rotations?

I'm just curious as I'm hearing so much about it. I've been to the website and seen some video clips but my main question is the one above.

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