[:::::] squeaky clean thursday [:::::]

Steph, LOL at the boobs! Mine sure ain't much to look at!:eek::eek: Well, maybe they would be if I picked 'em up OFF MY BELLY BUTTON!:p:p:eek::eek:
Sorry for the crazy-busy days!
have a great wo! i can do weights in the a.m., but not cardio!

klaudia, im the same way w/ leaving the house.....has to be spotless! who wants to come home to a mess?
happy shopping!
Poor Julia:(:(...does it hurt her. The cold that I thought I was done with is in my chest now. I'm going to take some tussinDM and go to work. Thank God it's only 3 hours.

BELLY BUTTON:D:D:D:D. Sorry I don't have those problems:p I really should have a bood-reduction....but I need a DH first:rolleyes:
I really should have a bood-reduction....but I need a DH first:rolleyes:

ROFLMBO!!! the old bait & switch, eh??!!!:p:p:p

julia only seems bothered at changing time...poor thing just rips at herself.:( i just sent mike to the store to get gentian violet. hope it works!

trying to decide if my boob is up to a wo. maybe ellip? no impact!
Hi Kate, I'm here! It's nice to be missed. :) Things are good, just busy. My best friend is visiting with her 2 girls from Florida. House full 'o kids! :D

I did workout today though- S&H chest, then PH chest, then C&W step only. My chest is DONE!

Later ladies! I miss you guys. Eats are clean despite company. Yahoo!

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