Squat Rack?


I've seen several mentions of squat racks in these threads. I have searched for this and only found a couple for sell that were really expensive. If you have one where did you find it and how much did it cost? We have two fitness stores Oshmans and Academy where I live. I have only checked on the internet. Also has anyone purchased the foam pad that Cathe has on her barbell?


Hi Susan. Are your talking about just a rack or the leg machine. Here is a link to the squat rack
machhttp://www.powerlinefitness.com/GymsRacks/PSS60W.html and then here is a link to the leg machine that I am talking about which I have which I use all the time.http://www.bodysolid.com/BSStrength/SpecializedStations/LowerBody/WLPH1100.html It really targets everything including the butt:) It is pricy though. Someone gave it to us so we got lucky. I am sure if you keep doing a google search you will find something.
I meant the one for your first link. The one that holds your barbell. It's a little pricey for me but maybe further in the future if I need one. Thanks for reply that was what I was asking about.

I saw the foam pads at Walmart this weekend. They were pretty inexpensive although I can't remember the exact price.

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