Spring into Summer June 22


Good Morning Everyone,
I wish we could spring into summer....man,the weather here SUCKS!!! Apparently,once the rain stops we are suppose to have a very hot summer.I will beleive it when I see it!
I started my new rotation yesterday,Thanks Susan.I am doing the one that you posted.Its funny b/c I was thinking earlier,"am I really going to be able to do just one body part per day"? Thats the way I have worked it.S&H takes so long that I am going to spread it out for one body part per day.I don't think I would be able to do the rotation for very long.I am not a slow girl.The faster the better for me.
I also found the orignal post.And there was another poster suggesting that you follow the 7 day diet.It was 3 days with only 20 grams of carbs and then you load up on carbs the 4th day.I tried it but I only made it to lunch time.Its to hard! I just don't have it in me to research everything that I put in my mouth.And then I was thinking,what in Gods name am I going to be eating for the next 3 days? I can't live like this. I could see it if you were training for a competition or something but not just for everyday life.Not normal.
It is S&H back today and I am also going to do IMAX 2.Then I have to workx( I am also hoping to get my flowers planted after dinner,
I will check back later,
Hi Lori and everyone,
Like usual I did not check in over the weekend. I was so busy cleaning the house and errands on Friday since my parents were coming in the afternoon to stay with us for the weekend. I did do L&G though. Fathers day weekend was nice. Saturday we went out on the lake with our boat and Sunday my sister had a BBQ. No workouts either of those days. Yesterday I did MIS.
This morning I did Power Hour, hoping to go for a 3 mile run tonight. We'll see.
Sabine!! Welcome Back! What a trip. I'm proud of you for working out during your vacation. I usually just think about it, like "I should do...., nahh!" When I took a week off from my vacation it was a killer getting back into it again.
Kathy, how was Prince?
Pinky, how have things been going ~ with your son and just life? Seems like your workouts are going well.
CinDee, I can’t get over how much you ride your bike? How many miles do you do a week? I hardly ever ride one anymore, I'd like to ride again.
Lisa, what are the Lotte Berk workouts like? Floor work~ like lots of leg lifts? I really don’t know, I'm just curious.

I was wondering, what are everyone's fitness goals? Do you have a set plan, or just to do 'a' workout almost every day?

For me, I'm trying to keep my weight up a bit. If I don’t lift heavy and consume a lot of protein I'll get a skinny look (like a pizza cutter- thin/narrow upper body). However, I need to do cardio since my butt is where all my fat goes. Hope that made sence.

I'll check back later,
Susan C.M. :D
Hey everyone,

I feel very wiped out today. Someone here at work knows someone else, another adult, who had meningitis in November. She said it took six months for them to get over it. For the last couple of weeks, I've felt like I'm already completely over it, but I've had a couple of days, like today, where I really don't feel that great, and in particular, don't have any energy. Anyway, I did the new Janis Saffell Quick Fix Cardio Kickbox today. I did the whole thing (on the DVD there's a bonus workout, so it's four 10-minute segments). It was perfect for today. I may walk some at lunch, if I feel more energetic after I eat.

I haven't been posting as much lately, so I think I forgot to tell you the good news. Michael had his follow-up with the neurologist last Wednesday. Based on the headache diary he kept, and the fact that he basically hasn't had a headache in about 3 weeks, he's officially been given a clean bill of health. So, he's back to a regular diet, and doing much better (he had a really hard time giving up wheat, in particular). The neurologist was very nice. He gave me his card, and said that if the headaches come back, to call him, and we can discuss whether Michael needs to be seen again. I have decent insurance, so the visits are covered except for the $10 copay, but it was a nice gesture, hopefully one that I won't need!

Susan, Lotte Berk and the Bar Method, and Callanetics for that matter, are all based on an exercise regime developed by Lotte Berk. It's purported to be a mix of ballet, pilates, yoga and physical therapy. It has both standing exercise and floor work. The standing exercises are done at a barre, or a chair. Most of the work involves tucking your pelvis under while you do the moves. The exercises look deceptively easy. They're tough though! My quads were killing me after last Thursday's workout. Today I have some soreness, but it's not nearly as bad. I did Cathe's workouts almost exclusively for the better part of a year, and I guess with all the health things going on between Michael and me, I just had to back off. While Lotte Berk and the Bar Method can be tough, they're also much gentler, if that makes any sense. I think that's also why I've done so much Pilates this year. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to incorparate all the workouts I love into one big rotation. It would be nice to just have a week in which I could workout whenever I want, and as much as I want. Dream on, huh?

Have a great day, everyone!
Good Morning all,

I'm still feeling a bit under the weather so I opted for a moderate workout, Reebok Rhythmic Power. I love Petra and enjoy this workout for when I just don't have it in me to push hard.

My fitness goals are pretty simple. First, I would like to increase my cardio capacity. I think this is something I am always working on. I had fluid in my lungs as a small child and find I can lose lung capacity quickly if I don't keep up with cardio pretty regularly. My second goal is to be really toned. I look more balanced (I'm an hourglass/pear) when I'm lifting weights with regularity and I like the aesthetic appeal. My most challenging area to firm up is my hip and upper thigh region. It seems to be permanently squishy no matter what I do.

Lisa- Great news about Michael. You must be so relieved!

Lorihart- Good luck with your new rotation. I'm trying to incorporate some Slim Series DVD's into my routine. Cathe has spoiled me as I don't like Debbie nearly as much as an instructor.

Big hellos to all!
Sabine, I'm sorry you're still not feeling 100%. Taking it easier with your workout is a good idea; it's what I did today also.

Susan, reading Sabine's post made me realize I didn't answer your question about goals. Right now, my biggest goal is to maintain, as much as possible, the fitness gains I achieved last year (my first with Cathe), but through gentler means. I am trying to keep some Cathe cardio and weights (mainly upper body). I am in pretty good shape, I think that my core is pretty strong (although some of those Lotte Berk ab moves are too tough for me), and I want to continue to do a very wide variety of core work: traditional, TLP, kickboxing based, Pilates, Lotte Berk, etc. My lower body is what I'd particularly like to firm up. I think I look good in my clothes, but would like to look better in bathing suits, for instance. I also have a pooch in my stomach that I'd like to get rid of, and I'd like a little more definition in my upper arms. Like Sabine, I'm going to try Slim Series next, and see what that does, and would also like to continue to try to insert HIIT multiple days per week, using Cathe workouts.

I have asthma, but it's mostly been under control since I started exercising again four years ago. While I focused a lot on appearances in what I wrote above, not having to use an inhaler is my biggest motivator.
Hi all, sounds like everyone is doing pretty well, this is a good thing!
WEll, yesterday I wsn't able to get in any toning, there's a big surprise, but I will do something i think today. But I seem to have a lot of drama in my life right now, so may run out of steam as the day goes on, so, we'll see.
As far as my fitness goals go, I would say that I would love to lose some weight, like 10 pounds, maybe even 15, but it's not coming off very easily, so I'm not sure if it will be doable. Ijust don't have the want to eat clean all the time. I love the fact that I listen to what others do and I know that i can do more cardio than them as far as length goes. I also know that I can lift heavier than them as well. That makes me feel pretty darn good. But I would love to look like I work that hard. I was listening to people talk to my sil last weekend, and I am in better shape than she is really, but they were all oooing and ahhing over her hard body, and that just made me sad to think that I have more cardio capacity and can lift haeavier and longer than she, yet now one said anything about my body. Blah. Oh well. I'm pretty down today too, so that isnt' helping me at all right now.
So, to make a long story short, my alcoholic mother is back at it and I would love to see my dad call teh sherriff once and for all and tell him to take her and not welcome her back into our lives. But I know taht isnt' going to happen. He'll give her a warning first, she'll stop drinking and they will act tlike it never happened. ACH! I'm so over this crap! Ok, so now you kow what my life is like today. So, I'll let you all go now. Talk to you later!

Kathy, I'm sorry to hear all that's getting you down. I'm not really ready to talk about this, but suffice it to say, I'm pretty familiar with dealing with an alcoholic. I don't know exactly what you or your dad goes through with your mother, but I think it's tough no matter how the alcoholism plays out. On the issue of working hard and not feeling like you're seeing results, or that others see them, I know that's hard too. I think it's difficult anytime you know that you're working hard at whatever, and people take notice of the others that don't work nearly as hard, and ignore you. Anyway, we know you work hard, and we appreciate it. Those other people just can't see. Speaking of which, could that be part of the problem? Was your sister-in-law dressed differently, in such a way that her results were more obvious (maybe she was wearing a sleeveless top, and you were wearing something with sleeves, for example)?

Anyway, I hope you feel better too. I'm checking in a lot today, because I feel like a slug, and have no motivation. I walked a couple of miles at lunch, and felt good doing it, but that feeling has worn off. Oh well, I'm outta here.
Yeah, no, she is an ectomorph, tall 5'8 thin arms and legs and I'm an endomorph, I think. short carry my weight all over, usually in my arms and legs, and not as much in my stomach. So, I think that is part of it. But I dont' care that they didnt' notice as much as I noticed it myself too. I dont' need compliments from her boyfriend, of course.
Yeah, the I've been dealing with alcoholism my whole life. Not a lot of fun. So, if you feel like you need someone to talk to let me know. I'm no expert but I can relate to a lot of it and am a good listner. You can email me if you'd like, Lisa [email protected]
I might get a workout in when dh and my son go to tee ball tonight. I'm starting to feel like I need to just wear myself out. Wierd, eh? How we all handle things differently. I woudl normally just eat my cares away, but now I just try to workout until I have no energy left. That is better for me anyway, and really it helps, for the time being at least.
Well, I'll talk to you all later.

Hi ladies, I did PS-shoulders/tris/bis today + back and chest from C&W and finished off with S&H abs + CTX-Kickbox planks in Ab Hits. I'm glad I gave my upper body one more day to rest. I felt stronger today. I did two sets of arnold presses with 15s and in a 2-2 count. I was also able to use 10s instead of 8s for tricep french presses and 37.5 for biceps.

I feel like my recent fitness journey, though full of bumps and some setbacks, is going slowly and smoothly anyway. I've just been doing a lot of listening to my body and making decisions from there. I've been quite bummed about my lower body since I started having bad knee issues in February, but last night my husband told me he was seeing new muscles come up in my legs. There are two long bands, one in my shins and the other at the side of my calves, that I've never seen before. So I feel blessed right there.:)

Susan, thanks for asking about "Pinky time". Yeah, it's been tough, but I've been talking a lot to my boy lately. I think it made a difference when I started telling him over and over that "Just because Mama is doing the dishes/busy answering e-mail/has to talk on the phone, etc... doesn't mean I don't love you." I think my son is going through this phase where he's starting to get real independent yet still needing a parent's emotional presence -- kinda like a toddler version of pubescence.

Lisa, I am very glad that Michael is well. I hope that you and he stay in good health ALWAYS.:) I hope you get your energy back soon. I like your goal of maintaining your fitness level through gentler means. I myself would like to put in more yoga into my schedule, but for the life of me, I just can't live without my weights. It's more of a psychological thing.

Lori, I can't handle very low carbs either. It makes me lightheaded. I do better with a moderate level of carbs from oatmeal, whole wheat bread, steamed vegetables and low glycemic fruit. It is almost impossible though, for me to keep eating like this. There are periods when I just have to break out and have a slice of pizza or something deliciously "dirty". I eat clean as much as possible the rest of the time. That's my goal, as far as eating.

Kathy, just keep up with those workouts. It took me a year of REGULAR workouts to get this far. One day everyone will be ignoring your sil and oohing and aaahing over you.:) I had my share when I went home in April. And from my brothers of all people. That was my clue to how my body has changed. See, without my bros and my hubby telling me new things they see on my body, I wouldn't see them myself since I'm so self-critical.

Sabine, one of my goals also has to do with cardiovascular capacity. Ever since I've lowered the quantity of aerobic workouts because of my knees, my cardiovascular capacity isn't like it used to be. I take breaks when I do KPC. Maybe I'm improving because I used to take a break after every combo on every side. Now I do both left and right sides before stopping for a while.

My other goals are to reach 60 for barbell presses and 40 for barbell curls by the end of the year.


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