Spring into Summer check-in - 5/4


Good morning all,

I have this pleasant sore in my legs after yesterday's workout -- the circuits in CTX-Power Circuits and the combos in KPC. I modified, as usual, the weighted leg work in CTX-PC to suit my purposes.

Today will be PS upper body, if time permits. Otherwise I just might be doing chest and back, and do the smaller muscles the day after.

I went to the ob yesterday for my annual. I'm worried. They found blood in my urine. But after she examined me, the nurse practitioner said she couldn't find any source of internal bleeding. I told her I've been travelling lately and the big time difference messed up my pill-taking times. I hope that's all that it is.

On a lighter note, it's a sunny and mild day out here today. A fine day to run the rest of my errands and finish my chores. Have a great day, everyone.

Pinky :)
Good morning everyone-
I haven't had much time to check in since last week, hope I haven't missed anything good, hope all has been well with fellow check-in-ers!

I went to the gym yesterday for a different experience and did the eliptical trainer for 30 minutes (2 minutes fast/2 minutes hard), then ran on the tread mill for 15 minutes to keep burning the calories... I was sweating like a maniac! I got to also get all my weights in at a medium level so all in all I think it was productive. There was noone there except a one or two little old people so it was a nice, friendly atmosphere. Believe me, there was no need for a cute outfit or makeup.

I'm going to try to do HIIT twice a day for the next few week to try to burn excess fat, so today will be Cathe's workouts from IMAX1.

My oldest's first communion is in two weeks so I'm desperately trying to get the house in order for a party. If you don't see me often, I'm still here, just panicked and worried about rain and the cicada outbreak that could make the party a challenge.

Susan, your workout sounds great!

Shywolf, believe it or not, they suggest taking at least a week off here and there to refresh yourself. Don't feel guily, its good for you.

Sabine, I don't have problems w/my shins on the ball but like Pinky really start to feel strain on my shoulders. I hate those exercises, although they work great.

Hellos to Joy, Elizabeth, Lisa, Pinky, Kim, Judy, Lori... I don't mean to leave anyone out, so sorry if I did!

Good Morning everyone!
Like you Pinky, I’m pleasantly sore from yesterday’s leg workout.

Today was Chest and Abs. I did PS Chest, SH Chest, and ME-abs twice and C&W abs.
After work I’m going to do the Blasts in IMAX2. I haven’t tried that premix yet.

Sabine, boy I really don’t know what to tell you about your shins hurting. Maybe you could try to strengthen them more before tackling the ball exercises in PLB. Do you have Push Pull? At the end of that workout, Cathe puts the ball on her toes and presses upward. That may help. Otherwise, it’s a good question to ask Cathe herself.

Brenda, It’s been years since I used a tread mill. I loved that thing. I swear it’s the hardest cardio machine there is!!

Hello to everyone else.
Susan C.M.
Hello Everyone;
Well today I ended up doing Cardio & Weights just because the dvd was still out on my player LOL It had been awhile since I've done this one.
I guess this week will be workout to whatever I put my hand on 1st . :p
i hope all is well with everyone and I'm thinking that I really need to work/plan in rest days before my body says No Mas LOL
Anyways I need to shower , change and head over to the P.O to ship out my mom's Mother's Day present . I hope she likes it as it is all handmade this year LOL
Good Morning all,

Another beautiful day in Northern California! I'm in good spirits this morning and am just enjoying all the little things about the place I call home.

Today was CIA2K05 Cardio Parties step with Franny. Nice, fun workout that was also a good change of pace from my recent run of Cathe step. Soemtimes I just need to mix in other stuff to keep it interesting and from not burning out on favorites.

Tomorrow is supposed to be some type of circuits workout. I had planned on doing CIA 230? Step it Strong but am now tempted by Shywolf's mention of Cardio and Weights to shift to that workout instead. Oh, decisions, decisions. BTW, Shywolf, this week's schedule (according to my rotation) calls for circuits tomorrow, Power Hour, rest day, MIC, then ending with Boot Camp. Just FYI in case you're interested. Was Mom lucky enough to get some of your homemade candles?

Brenda- How soon is Vegas? Sounds like things are getting hectic for you in FL!

Pinky- Sending positive vibes your way. Hopefully the blood in your urine was a fluke thing caused by all the stress of flying, jet lag, returning to day to day stuff, etc.

Hellos to everyone this fine Tuesday!
Hi to everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a few days...actually I tried yesterday (typed it out and everything) but when I check later it didn't post. Oh well. The past weekend was super crazy-busy-fun as we had a big party for my dad's retirement and my whole family was here. There were 13 of us sleeping in one house Saturday night! Hilarious! So I did nothing from Fri. to Sun., but being on your feet and preparing for/running a party has to count for something!

Yesterday DH and I did the first 1:20 of Spinervals "Have Mercy". Sweat! Today will be ME and HIIT with IMAX. Brenday, how are you incorporating HIIT twice a day? And how CAN you?:) Thrice weekly fries me as it is! Let us know how your bod responds.

Sabine, I don't know about the shin thing. On which exercises are you hurting?

Pinky, sounds like it could just be spotting if your not in any pain. Your workout sounds great...I may have to cop that one someday!

Shywolf, I know what you mean about your bod saying, "Enough!" My little 3 day kind-of break was nice, but I'm sure looking forward to a whole week off soon! I'd probably take it now if I wasn't going on vacation...10 more days of pushing it!

Susan, hope you enjoy the blast premix. I really like both of them, and they're especially taxing after a weighted workout!

Have a great day...my son needs the computer!

Hello to everyone!

I haven't posted this week yet. Somedays I don't have much to say. Anyway, I took last week off from my Body Bar class at the gym to give my knees a rest and they do feel better. I think I'm going to not use any weight for the lower body parts of the class. I'm also thinking about going early tonight and taking the ball class (legs and abs) and hopefully I can make it through the bar class.

I am so ready for warmer weather. I live in Illinois (only about 30 mins from St Louis Missouri) and the temps here have been crazy. One day it's 80 and the next day it's in the low 50's. I'm ready for my summer clothes. I know, I know, when it's 98 degrees I'll be wishing for 70's. Oh well, I guess it's true what they say. If you don't like the weather in St Louis, stick around it'll change in 15 mins.

Well I better go and get to work. I had a big lunch and now I could use a nap.

Everybody have a great day.
Sabine, I was looking around for something in the Ask Cathe tab and came across this:

It's a reply from Cathe regarding sore shins:
I'll just add a couple here. For shin conditioning, simply tap your toe for about 60 to 90 seconds repetitively per foot. Your toe tap pace should be steady and not too slow. You will experience quite a heat sensation in the shin.

Then to stretch out your shins, sit in a chair and cross your right foot over your left leg (so that the right side of your right ankle is resting just above your left knee). Now take your left hand and grasp all of your toes of your right foot and pull your toes downward (towards the ball of the right foot), feeling an elongation and stretch up the right shin. Repeat other side.

Susan C.M.
Hello ladies, I am thinking that I would like to join your little group. I have my 10 year reunion coming up an almost a month here, yikes! I have only about 7 pounds or so to lose before it, but I'll take 5! Ha, ha!
Anyway, I did IMAX 2 Intervals 1-5 yesterday am, then in the afternoon I did PLB. Now so far today I've done the first section of Hi Lo heaven (Chirsty Taylor, not Ajocks version!) Then this afternoon I will be doing something upperbody, I'm leaning towards CTX.
I just looked at the time and if I'm really going to get in an upper body workout, I better get at it.
Have a great day!

Sabine could you post your rotation as I am so dependant on rotations ( they keep me motivated & without one I don't tend to workout much)

Oh yes mom is getting a homemade heart dish candle from me plus some body butter that I made over the weekend. I dressed up the candle a bit by sprinkling some fine cosmetic glitter. I love being able to make my own stuff cause I know exactly what goes in it LOL. I hope she likes it:p
Hey everyone,

Just a quick check-in...still feeling lousy...I think it's allergies and a sinus infection together. Went to the doctor today and got drugs, so hopefully I'll feel better in a day or two. I haven't even been thinking about working out. I think all the stress with Michael, and I've been having a lot at work too, has caught up with me.

Pinky, I'll be thinking about you. I think it will be nothing though. You know, I spot sometimes around when I ovulate; is the timing right for you for that to be the culprit, especially since your timing for taking the pills was off?

Brenda, good luck with the communion. I keep hearing the cicadas are coming, but haven't seen any in Laurel yet.

Shywolf, your mom ought to like your gift! You're very thoughtful.

Well, hello to all! I hope to join you again in working out soon!
Thanks, Lisa, Cindee and Sabine, for your comforting thoughts. That trip may have stressed me out more than I realize. The jet lag has subsided and yet I find myself getting really sleepy at 9:30 p.m. I normally don't go to bed until midnight.:)

See all of you tomorrow,

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