Sports injuries


Hey all. I wanted to share with you a recent experience as a reminder of the continuing theme to listen to your body. My doctor suspected a herniated disc in my lower back and modified my workouts for two months. Basically, only thing I couldn't do was lifting, esp. no bent-over rows, leg weight machines etc. I was ok'd to continue step, spin, kickbox,jogging, and yoga, but with a key note to stop any activity immediately if I had ANY pain or tightness in the back.
Well, my back started aching this past week after step, as well as my achilles tendon (on the same side as my back hurts, the left.) anywho, I was getting ready to go to the gym and tough out a Spin workout, and I just stopped myself and made an appointment with my doctor. Yoga only until I could get seen. Turns out I really need two weeks off with ice and stretching therapy. I avoided a major injury by listening to my body (for once in my life!). As hard as it is, I am going to stay on the bench for a few weeks. It's hard, but necessary. :)
Hi Kristina

I am glad to hear that you are listening to your body before the pain really sets in. I would like to think that I am getting there too. Sometimes, even just a day or two now can save weeks and months later.

Enjoy all the reading you can catch up on.


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