Splitting workouts on a Rotation


New Member
Hey Cathe Community! :)

I just thought I would throw this question out there.

I have not really ever followed a true rotation other than alternating days with cardio, circuits, weights, etc.

Due to my time constraints I generally exercise about 30-40 minutes in the morning before work and then 20-40 minutes in the eveining. However, a lot of the videos in the rotations I would like are usually 45-60 minutes, so I just really never did rotations. I've thought about doing a rotation by starting a video in the morning and finishing it in the evening. Has anyone tried this and found it was succesful?

My hesitancy is that with some videos you will get the most out of them when going from start to finish.

I know I may just need to try it and see how it goes. :)

Thanks to anyoine who wants to chime in :)

Hey Kim,

Since series such as FitSplit, 4-Day Split, Cross-train Xpress (CTX) were designed partially with split-workouts in mind, that you're perfectly fine with splitting up your workout if need be. Cathe also includes plenty of Timesaver premixes which could be used for this purpose too. I admire people who are dedicated to their workouts & get up early to workout before their workday starts and then finish up after work. That takes commitment and dedication too. Just be sure to include a proper warm-up & cool-down with each workout.
I agree with Debinmi. Most strength training can be broken up. To tell the truth, when I have a really really specific goal in mind, I've intentionally worked on that goal at a separate time from my workout time, simply because it works so well. For instance, At one time, I could not do a pull-up. My arms were too tired during or after my strength training. After a cardio workout, I just wasn't strong enough. So, I kept doing whatever I'd planned for a workout around 9:00 every day. Around 3:00, I'd go over to my pull-up bar. I can now do 3 full pull-ups at a time. If I wait an hour, I can actually do 3 more! Split workouts are (as Debinmi brought up) perfect for your plan. I don't see a problem with total body strength being done that way either. I think most of her individual body part strength would fit into your timeframe, but if it doesn't, I don't think it would be a big deal to finish part of it at the end of the day. The only one that I can think of that I'd have problems breaking up is legs. Usually when I do legs with Cathe, I'm really feeling it. It would be best for me to push through it than be sore when I go to finish it up later in the day. That's where I'd definitely do a premix, but that's just me, because I'm a real whiner when it comes to leg day. lol As far as splitting cardio, I have to work pretty hard for a pretty long time to hit anaerobic level. I only do one anaerobic workout a week, so I schedule it for a day that I have enough time for it. The only way I can accomplish it in a shorter period of time is with HIIT and that's only some of the time and I don't enjoy HIIT. It's important to me that I enjoy my workouts. For regular cardio/aerobic, I don't focus too much on the length. Cathe tends to include a cardio factor in a lot of her strength training (especially legs), so I just do what I have time for. If I have a certain one in mind that I'm really in the mood for, I'll do one of her timesaver premixes rather than select a different workout. I don't usually do set rotations either. I have a rotation of the type of workout I'm going to do, but the exact workout that I'm going to plug into that spot is something that I intentionally leave as a free choice for myself most of the time. So, I wouldn't be able to help you much with the specific rotation you have in mind. If you post it, though, there are some people on here (Debinmi included) that are great with rotations and can let you know if they think you'd lose benefits from breaking any of them up. If there's something that would be better not broken up, they'll likely be able to direct you to a premix. In my opinion, as long as your warm-up, cool down, and stretch are sufficient both times that you work out, you'd be fine. :)
Thank you, all for your replies!! :)

Braille-I never thought about working separately on one thing. I need to do that with push ups..work on doing them off of my knees! Good job on reaching your goal!!

Debinmi and Kellyro77-Good points on premixes and not splitting body parts!

I am going to take some time look at rotations and see which ones have the best vidoes to split in my time

I'm only working this hard now because I am on a weight loss mission...again! Looking forward to maintaining my weight with working out about 5/6 days, only once most days.

I am so thankful for Cathe.. I don't know what other program/instructor I could stick to on a consistent basis.

On another note, I find the live videos are addicting! So much varietyh and seeing others working out and Cathe's personality really can shine. She is playful! One of my favorites..I think it was step/blast and weights. More towards the beginning Cathe tells Nancy something like it's too soon to start now, Nancy! (I think Nancy must of said something about being tired! I felt the same as Nancy :).

Take care, all!
It's a great strategy for push-ups. I suggested it to my husband (back when he was first starting out with getting back in shape). He was so frustrated, and being a man, he'd rather stop working out than go to his knees. I guess his old gym teachers (when he was in school) used to refer to them as "girl's push-ups". I explained to him that both have benefits and that he'd just be doing extra push-ups if he did the modified during a workout and did the "on your toes" push-ups separately, when his body is recovered. He went from not being able to do a full regular push-up with good form during a workout to being able to 5 with good form in less than a week. Now, he's a combat fighter (at 52 years of age) and the rest of the team is 20 and 30 years old. They practice, train, and compete as a team. There's not one of them that can do more push-ups than he now can. He's still getting his butt kicked when they run though. lol Sounds like you're on the right track with your plan for weight loss. Cathe is definitely my favorite for all of my fitness goals.

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