Spin Bike Recommendations


What spin bikes can you recommend? Please tell me the brand name and model and provide links if you can. Also, let me know how often you use the bike and how long it has lasted. Thanks in advance!
This is the bike I have:

I ordered it direct. I use it 2-4 x/week. I've had it almost 5 years with no issues. It's quieter than my older trainer system. I use clip-in shoes with it unless I'm just warming up with it. I do a 25-40 minute spin workout 2-3x/week. I also use it sometimes for a warm-up before weight workouts cuz it's easier on my knee than Cathe's usual standing warmup with the side-to-side movements. It works really well with Kaleigh Cohen's spin workouts where she tells you the relative resistance level and RPM range for each section. HTH.
Thank you Debinmi. You have been very helpful. That model is one of the bikes I'm looking at. Just a few quick questions. Was it easy to assemble? How long did it take to put it together? Did you assemble the water bottle holder and dumbbell holder too? If so, did your knees bang against it when cycling? Or was there enough room? Thanks again!

Anyone else? I welcome your recommendations and opinions!
Thank you Debinmi. You have been very helpful. That model is one of the bikes I'm looking at. Just a few quick questions. Was it easy to assemble? How long did it take to put it together? Did you assemble the water bottle holder and dumbbell holder too? If so, did your knees bang against it when cycling? Or was there enough room? Thanks again!

Anyone else? I welcome your recommendations and opinions!
I don't recall exactly, but I think it wasn't difficult and didn't take too long to put together. I only really remember having to put on the pedals. My knees do not bang against the accessories - don't even come close. Oh, and it's really easy to maneuver around too as I often pull it out to set up fans around me in the summer ... it can be a sweaty workout :).
The Joroto X2 from Amazon doesn’t get a whole lot of love, but mine has served me well for several years. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another
Hi Irolnnyl, thank you for your suggestion. How many times a week do you ride your bike and for how long? Also, did you buy it from Amazon or directly from the company? Thanks in advance for your help.
I bought it through Amazon. My hubby was able to assemble it quickly. I ride 2-3 times a week. The only problem I ever had with it was when it was delivered. The entrance to my house is on the second level, and the poor UPS driver let me help him roll it up the stairs
This is the bike I have:

I ordered it direct. I use it 2-4 x/week. I've had it almost 5 years with no issues. It's quieter than my older trainer system. I use clip-in shoes with it unless I'm just warming up with it. I do a 25-40 minute spin workout 2-3x/week. I also use it sometimes for a warm-up before weight workouts cuz it's easier on my knee than Cathe's usual standing warmup with the side-to-side movements. It works really well with Kaleigh Cohen's spin workouts where she tells you the relative resistance level and RPM range for each section. HTH.
I’ll second this bike. We’ve had this bike for a few years now. It’s been a great investment. I remember it being an easy assembly. It gets use 3-4 times a week and is like new. I did purchase a padded seat cover for it. Don’t remember where, though…
... I did purchase a padded seat cover for it. Don’t remember where, though…
I forgot to mention - I taped on pipe insulation (had some left-over & not being used for anything) to pad the handlebars a bit in front & I use bike gloves (similiar to weight-lifting gloves) for extra padding for my arthritic hands. I use bike gloves for my outside bikes too & if I'm going to be riding for a few hours, I'll also slip on arthritis gloves. I don't need padding for 2nd & 3rd positions on the spin bike - just 1st. I've not felt the need to pad the seat - just like outdoor riding, your body gets used to the seat pressure when riding regularly. If you don't ride regularly, a padded seat or padded bike shorts can help with pressure points to make it more comfortable.
Just a FYI, this sale just came up on my news feed:
I forgot to mention - I taped on pipe insulation (had some left-over & not being used for anything) to pad the handlebars a bit in front & I use bike gloves (similiar to weight-lifting gloves) for extra padding for my arthritic hands. I use bike gloves for my outside bikes too & if I'm going to be riding for a few hours, I'll also slip on arthritis gloves. I don't need padding for 2nd & 3rd positions on the spin bike - just 1st. I've not felt the need to pad the seat - just like outdoor riding, your body gets used to the seat pressure when riding regularly. If you don't ride regularly, a padded seat or padded bike shorts can help with pressure points to make it more comfortable.
Brilliant ideas!

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