South Beach Diet... not losing...


Hey Guys,
I was just wondering who out there has done the south beach diet and what their results were. They say you should lose anywhere from 8-14 pounds in the first two weeks because of the lack of calories and how restrictive they are. I started the diet monday and have been following every guideline and have not eaten any foods not on the allowed food list. I even have been losely counting my calories just to make sure I'm not over eating. My calories have been far under what it should take for my 5'7 166lb. frame to maintain weight. However, it is now friday which means it has been 4 days and i haven't lost a single pound. Has this happened to anyone else who has tried South Beach?

I'm wondering if since I am due for my monthly friend in a few days (i'm sure you understand hehe) that is kind of throwing my weight off too. Even though i'm not feeling especially bloated of anything. Any thoughts?
Just wanted to add that I have been trying to lose about 15 lbs. for atleast 6 months. I am in decent shape now. I workout atleats 4 times a week either doing Cathe videos of running. I'm just really getting discouraged. I know that summer is coming soon and at this weight there is no way i will feel comfortable in a bathing suit. I really had high hopes for this diet because I have known people who have dropped significant weight on it. So I figured my 15 lbs. would be a breeze.
That 8 to 14 lbs, IMHO, is what people who eat a horrible diet can expect to lose. If you already eat a (mostly) healthy diet, you can't expect that kind of rapid loss.

When I started Weight Watchers in 2001, I lost 5 pounds the first week -- the body shedding its water weight.

Healthy weight loss is 1/2 to 2 pounds a week (but you probably already know that!).
ITA. I lost about 5 lbs the first week when I started SBD 4 years ago now and I was eating a LOT of carb/ processed foods when I started. I mainly follow a *clean* diet now, but SBD is what really helped me learn how to break the carb addiction and start eating more lean proteins & healthy fats. If you've been eating cleaner to start with, you won't lose that 8-14 lbs in the first 2 weeks. And even if you did, you would probably gain it back pretty quickly. 1-2 lbs is a much healthier goal and will help you *keep* off the weight you lose. JMO!
So since I already was eating fairly well That is why I'm not getting that initial drop in weight? It makes sense. Thanks for your message. How did you end up doing with South Beach overall? I am going to try to stick with it and hope i can shed the 15 lbs. by swimsuit weather lol
I went on the South Beach Diet with my husband about 2 years ago. I didn't lose a single pound in Phase I and I was miserable. He, on the other hand, loses incredibly on this type eating plan. I didn't stick with it past Phase I because, to me, it wasn't worth it. I was unhappy and not seeing results. I do better with a more well rounded eating plan. Eliminating carbs doesn't seem to do it for me. I try to choose better quality carbs and lean protein. Boring, but it does the trick for me. I think everyone is different. Learn what works for you from your own personal experience with it. Good luck!

thanks for this response! you are like the first person I have heard that also didn't drop weight in phase one! its good to know you're not alone, ya know? :). and congrats on the 7 lbs!
And just another's only been 4 days!
it's likely anything you'd have dropped at this point would be water weight. And with Aunt Flo around the corner for you, that may be the culprit.

I know it's hard, but try to be patient. You may have success with it yet. Although again, if you were pretty healthy and fit before, I would not expect the kind of results that they boast for people that are overweight and eat loads of crud.
Haha yea that all is prob true. I guess I am kinda being a little impatient :p. I just compare myself to other people who have done the diet too much. thanks for knockin a little sense into me
I really stuck to the SBD pretty strictly for about 8 mos (and I never did Phase 1 because I was nursing at the time, so I mainly did Phase 2), then kind of used it as a guideline for cleaner eating for me. I lost about 40 lbs in about 8 mos? and have kept it off (plus lost more and gained more muscle since weight training!) since then. ;-) It really helped me figure out my *trigger* foods- white flour/ sugar/ white potatoes/ white pastas that I used to eat a lot of!

And yes, it does take time! ;-)
Are you working out while following Phase 1? When you're on such a calorie restrictive diet, you should minimize your workouts to just power walks or rebounding. Your body is working hard during this phase and requires energy to go through the detox period. If you're working out as well, your body will hold on to your fat as it thinks you're going into starvation mode.... I haven't followed South Beach, but have had great success with the Fat Flush Plan (similar to South Beach but allows you fruits in Phase 1).

Hope this helps.
Thanks Lorrayne! i have been working out so maybe i should slow that down a bit. Cuz i've been running and doing interval and circuit videos
I did SBD a couple of years ago and lost 4 lbs during the 1st 2 weeks. I was happy but not over the moon. However, I learned a lot about the nutritional pitfalls of "white" foods from the diet that have stayed with me. I think the numbers cited for the initial wt loss are purely a marketing tool. I don't believe SBD is a bad program nutritionally, but don't expect miracles the 1st few weeks unless you are eating an Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion and a pound of pasta every day! JMHO.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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