Sorry if this is a repeat / missing stretch on premix of Ripped Legs etc


I had the flu starting the 18th of December and couldn't do any workouts for several weeks due to complications. I had to start with the Ripped rotation very slowly. Twice now when I've done a premix with core work (either one or two) the workout goes into the core work but never returns to the stretch although the graphic on the premix says it ends with the stretch.
I don't have time to go over all of my premixes on the series but yesterday was doing Ripped Legs with Core 2. No stretch. Anyone else have this issue?
Thanks for letting me know. I was referring to the latest workouts. Ripped. Since it said stretch on the premix I assumed it was included. Next time I think I'll finish the workout with the regular stretch and then do the core work. I'm lazy that way. :) I hate to go back if I don't have to.
Yeah cocob1, in ripped with HIITs (new series) in the premixes with abs, they say "stretch follows the abs workout" and I was wondering the same thing but what they mean is the few mins stretches comes in the end of abs.
Actually Cathe spoiled us by giving us long stretches so I just go to chapters and do regular stretches too.
I never skip stretches and I really need them with this new Ripped series. I've had DOMS since I've started back in and building up with the January rotation. I'm even adding extra stretching so I can walk the next day and I'm taking lots of Epsom Salt baths.
Is it a bad thing for me to finish the Ripped with the given stretches and then go and do the core work?
I don't think that it's a bad idea to stretch first and then go to abs because RWH abs has their own (short) stretches but I personally prefer stretching after all the work done and both abs 1 and 2 work bit of hip flexors so I definitely prefer stretches in the end (after abs) [emoji5]️[emoji5]️[emoji5]️ so I feel more relaxed.
I prefer the regular stretch then the abs because sometime if you go right into abs, maybe your legs or shoulders are a little tight. If I stretch first, I can focus more on my abs without being tight in other areas and for me, makes a better ab workout.

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