sore left knee


My left knee is giving me some trouble. It hurts tons when I do the squats on Power hour. so I have cut back on some of them. I don't do them all :-( feel like I am cheating but I don't want to hurt my knee more then it is already, what I am wondering is there something I can uses like some kind of knee support to help? I have only done it once and I do Imax about twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays.
I would recommend seeing a doctor. My leg was sore near my knee and I waited several weeks. It turned out I have a tight ilio-tibial band. The tightness is actually in my thigh, but the sensitivity is near my knee. I have to go to physical therapy three times a week and have a stretching/leg strengthening routine to do twice a day. Pain is a sign something's wrong and, as I found out, it's not necessarily caused by a problem where you feel it. Only a doctor can diagnose it.
I agree that you should see a doctor or physical therapist who can diagnose your problem. Just "cutting back" on squats when your knee hurts "tons" is not going to help the problem go away and may set you up for chronic problems. You may also have to cut out or cut down on IMAX, which is very high impact.

Please get this checked out!
Below are some awesome suggestion to your knee situation (again).
I had sore knees when I first started step with the using all four risers. I realize modifications at first. Maybe some time off for a bit. Then start again slowly.

Susan C.M.

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