Sore Knees after weights


Hi Everybody! I notice that if I really go heavy on weights for lower body, my knees are extremely sore. Could it be that I'm lifting too heavy or is it more likely poor form? I use mirrors and my form looks fine to me. I also aksed Dh to watch me during an entire workout and he said my form looks ok. (Well, he said he watched;).) I know it's not due to cardio since I do so little. Even when I don't do any cardio, my knees still hurt.

Thanks much in advance!:7:7:7

I know that you know more about this than I do, but it could be the stress on your knees while lifting heavy, especially if you do say a lower body workout only on a particular day. My knees snap, crackle and pop during squats and hurt the heavier I go, so I change up and down with the weights so I don't do any permanent damage. My knee caps actually have a grinding sound that can be heard and felt, the doctor said that as long as they don't hurt to leave well enough alone. They only bother me during squats, lunges aren't too bad but of course I have very little weight when I am doing lunges also. Mine don't continue to hurt because I do whole body weight work outs(Power Hour) so I think they have time to recover before I am finished:)

I don't know if I answered your question or not, I would say that if it continues to go see a sports doctor or bone doctor and make sure it is nothing serious, and maybe too they can give you some exercises to do to strengthen your knees:) In the mean time ice it and then use heat to alleviate any swelling or pain.
As someone with two funky knees, here's what I do to stay pain free (more or less) after lower body work.

On squats, keep your weight in the heels. You should be able to freely wiggle your toes around as you go up and down. You could also try a slight decrease in your range; a small decrease in range of motion will translate to almost no loss of effectiveness for the exercise.

On lunges, make sure legs do not go beyond a ninety degree angle, and make sure your feet are not lined up on a "tight rope", but keep them about hip width apart. Make sure the front knee does not go over the toes, keep your weight centered so the front leg doesn't get too much burden. Decrease the range if necessary.

On plies, Cathe and crew sometimes are guilty of not keeping their knees in alignment with the hip/toe line. It is natural to let the knees cheat inward a bit here, but that is not good for proper patellar tracking. Get your hip, knee and toes on the same plane by flaring the knees back during the motion. To do this at first, you may have to practice with no weight and lean over to look and make sure you have it. Another way to tell is that you will feel a more intense groin stretch at the bottom of the range, and your range may decrease slightly. Again, never let the knees go beyond the toes.

On step-ups, lower the step height a couple inches and see if it helps. No angles on the upper leg more acute than ninety degrees.

Watch out for one-legged squats and glute raises where the whole load is on one leg; lighten up and be especially careful about the ninety degree and weight in heel rules.

Low-ends can also be extra burdensome to knees; be careful.

Don't ignore your pain whatever you do. It could be a warning. Also, watch for things you may do unconsciously in every day life like kneeling down to be with kids, squatting for long periods in the garden, etc. Take care of those joints! Hope this helped.

Hi, Sherry ..

I recently had this problem. Like you, I had went heavier and I had good form. However, my knees were not my friend at this point. I love Cathe, and I want to keep up .. but not with the poundage I had.
I lowered them (since I muscle almost "too" easy on my lower body) and I was fine. I concentrated on good form, and my legs still burned during Power Hour.

I will continue going heavier on my upper body, but I want to keep my back! I will stay on lower weights there.

Did you take some Advil? Rest your knees, too!

Later, Darling!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed.":eek:

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