Soothe your eyes?


So the pollen has been driving my poor eyes crazy!

I'm not an allergic type, but for some reason I'm more sensitive this year than others.

I can hardly touch my eyes. Needless to say, my contacts are a big no-no these days.

I've tried resting cucumber slices on my eyes, and I'm thinking about trying tea bags this evening to try and relieve some of the itching and burning.

I feel like I just want to rub and rub and rub my eyes, which is of course, no good for my eyes. Right now they are swollen and puffy and red.

I've tried eye drops too, and a Neutrogena product that claims to reduce puffuness. I'm also taking Claritin, with mixed results.

What is your best allergy eye remedy?

Thanks! My eyes thank you too!

Susan L.G.
Hey Susan! UGGHH! Itchy eyes...can't stand that, especially if you wear contacts. I am allergic to EVERYTHING, including the doggies that often occupy a good portion of my bed! I do get injections, so my reactions are much less severe these days, but when things start to get itchy I take a Claritin, and then use an OTC eye drop with an antihistimine in it, I think I have been using Visine....clears the red up, and while it may sting a bit when you first put the drops in, the itchies go away pretty quickly, cuts down on the puffiness too. Good Luck! Hope this helps.

Oh man I've been going thru the exact same thing--my eyes were so swollen they were literally pushing my eyelids closed & practically forcing me to go to sleep! No contacts for me either, I was wearing my dorky glasses all the time. I looked & felt like crap. I tried everything--warm compresses, cold compresses, Preparation H, green tea bags, cucumbers, nothing worked!

Last Tuesday the dr. gave me Optivar. By Saturday my eyes were much better but I'm not sure if it's b/c of the prescription drops or the drop in pollen levels. They're still a bit swollen & unattractive, but at least I'm wearing contacts w/o discomfort again.

I don't know if this info is helpful, other than I feel your pain! :(
This is the first year my eyes are going crazy. I, too, have found the eye drops help, but I'm looking soooo baaad first thing in the morning these days!!!
I just saw a magazine ad for some type of eye drop that reduces histamine levels and relieves allergy eye symptoms. Sounds like something that would work, and that you could find at the drug store.
For puffiness, I like the mary kay indulge soothing eye gel. It feels so cool and refreshing on my eyes, especially on days that I don't get enough sleep or they are just puffy from allergies.
Hi Susan

I use cotton pads (circles) soaked in cold milk pressed over the eye area and lie down for about 10 minutes. Sometimes before this I will get an eyebath and wash each eye with saline for about 30 seconds. I have also found teabags to be effective but find the cold milk particularly soothing.

Good luck - hope things get better for you soon.

This is an interesting tip Meg, I will try that too.

No tea bags in the house last night. Nuts...I'll have to go shopping.

Thanks for all the responses, ladies - once again I knew I could count on you! :)
There is a new eyedrop called Pataday, taken once per day for allergies. I have had real good results prescribing it for my patients.

Ann Marie
I was having the same issue. So bad. I decided I was done with contacts and glasses and I got Lasik eye surgery done last week. Guess what, my eyes don't itch anymore. The doctor informed me why I had bad eye allergies was because my eyes are dry (very common for contact wearers). After surgery they put me on a 3o min eye drop schedule. It has been amazing. I am using prescription drops 4 times daily. But I am using Refresh Vials every 30 min. It might be worth a try.
Billie TX
I have hayfever and a couple of years ago I started making blueberry smoothies from frozen unsweetened blueberries in a blender.
This is going to sound weird but I was carrying eye drops around with me
before and always had itchy red eyes. Now I don't have to put anything in. I don't even think I have used eyedrops more than once in the past year. I still do have allergies off and on but my eyes don't bother me anymore.
Occasionally my eyes do get puffy but 92% of the problem went away. I feel very lucky.:7

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