I am a very petite 85 lb, 4'8" female. I exercise every day--3 days strength, 3 days cardio, one day yoga/pilates, with workouts generally lasting 60 to 90 minutes and being higher on the intensity level. I generally take in between 1200 and 1500 calories a day depending on the workouts I do.
My problem is, I can't seem to get a handle on how hungry I am all the time. I eat my veggies and fruits and fiber and protein and good fats. I take time to sit and eat. But there's no real in between--I'm either ravenous or stuffed. It's to the point where, even though I load up on healthy stuff, I'm embarrassed to eat with others because they always comment on the quantity. To make it worse, with as petite as I am, I only burn about 400 calories (net) a workout at the absolute max. (Most are more in the 250 to 300 range.) So it is very easy for me to undo the work I've done with exercise if I can't control my appetite. What should I do?
My problem is, I can't seem to get a handle on how hungry I am all the time. I eat my veggies and fruits and fiber and protein and good fats. I take time to sit and eat. But there's no real in between--I'm either ravenous or stuffed. It's to the point where, even though I load up on healthy stuff, I'm embarrassed to eat with others because they always comment on the quantity. To make it worse, with as petite as I am, I only burn about 400 calories (net) a workout at the absolute max. (Most are more in the 250 to 300 range.) So it is very easy for me to undo the work I've done with exercise if I can't control my appetite. What should I do?