Sooo . . .how much weight . . .


. . .did you REALLY gain? I have read the books, and they all suggest 25-35 lbs, but I'm already up about 30 lbs and I have 12 weeks to go!!!! Eeek!

How much weight did you gain when you got pregnant? How much did you lose in delivery? This is my first, and I'm not sure what to expect!!!

I'm a new first time mom (May 22, 2007) and truthfully I only gained 26lbs but I really had to pay attention to my food and exercised everyday. I've lost 20lbs so far but I'm now stuck on that last 5lbs, they always say those are the hardest to lose. I think I'm doing too much weight lifting, I need to do more cardio and maybe then it will come off - good luck and congrats! :)
Eat fairly healthy and exercise, what you gain is what your body AND YOUR BABY NEED. I gained 22 and 23 pounds with my pregnancies but that was alot on my 5 foot frame. I stopped gaining much weight my 3rd trimester with both, so don't worry the weight gain may slow but if it doesn't don't worry. I believe cathe gained 38 pounds during her last pregnancy and obviously lost all the weight. I do strongly recommend exercising til the end, it helped me keep my strength and led to 2 easy deliveries. My pregnancy weight came off with exercise and nursing. Never dieted but attempted to eat fairly healthy. P.S. I ate ok during pregnancy but ate all the time.
I gained 24lbs. with my first and like shopaholic worked out the
entire time. My water broke 2 hours afer my last workout.
Delivery was painful but all in all not bad for the first baby.
I too ate pretty healthy but was hungry and ate much more frequently.
I was back down to my pre pregnancy weight 4 weeks later. I am
5'7 and have weighed 120lbs. for over 15 years. I am now 32 weeks
pregnant and have gained the same exact amount as the last time
at this point. I am not even eating far as much and chasing after
a 17 month old and work full time. I expect to gain the same ,Thus far 17lbs. I wouldn't worry. Shopaholic is right on. Your body
will put on what it needs. If you eat right and if you exercise the
weight goes on in the right places and comes off!! Also don't feel
too guilty if you have to spulrge on sweets now and then. Just as
if you shouldn't feel badly when your not pregnant.
Good Luck!! You will be so happy with your little one that you will
not worry as much as you think about weight gain/dieting. The baby
consumes your time especially the first few weeks.

Jennifer Claire 12/24/05
? 8/10/07
I gained 42 lbs (including baby). 20 of it came off within 10 days after delivery. Since then, I've been trying to get the rest off - at one point I got another 10 off, but right now I am still 22 lbs higher than my pre-preg weight, and my daughter's almost 5 years old now! I can't blame baby weight anymore.

I gained 46 lbs while preggo. I wanted to workout the entire time but I was afraid I would miscarry and blame myself so I stopped till I was 12 weeks then started walking...but then my back got bad so I couldn't do that either.

I lost 22 lbs right after birth and was back to my prepreg weight when he was 4 monthes. I started working out again when he was just 4 weeks old and I was surprised at how fast my endurance returned,

Good luck with your new little one!

You mentioned your back got bad. I am having problems with mine the
last few weeks. I can't stand it. I am 33 weeks along and
the night is the worst. The mid wife suggested Tylenol but it
doesn't help. What do you recommed?? Anything that helped you?
I know its all going to be over with soon enough but easier said
than done if you know what I mean. I think my back is worse this time
because I am picking up my almost 18 month old daughter. The lifting
her in and out of her crib, car seat,etc adds to the pain for sure.

I gained 45 pounds. I gained a lot the first two trimesters, then was put on bedrest most of the last trimester, which topped off my weight gain. I worked out almost everyday until I was put on bedrest. I think much of my gaining was water weight which came off extremely quickly. By my follow up visit I was within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight. The last 10 pounds required some work, but I got there! You will be fine and keep in mind everyone gains differently. And usually you are gaining what YOU need to have for the baby.
It was a nerve in my back that would act up when I walked but it wasn't there on a daily basis. I would take Tylenol as well, if I were you..its pretty much the only thing that your allowed to take when preggo.
Hi Chrissy,

I gained about 36 pounds when I was pregnant.

I kept working out through my entire pregnancy although a lot lighter workouts and my eating was not that good. x(

I had lost 20 pounds when I came home from the hospital. I am only 2 pounds away from before I got pregnant, but I gained about 10 pounds from just getting off the pill. So I still have a way to go and I don't fit in my pre-pregnancy clothes yet but I know I will get there soon.

Anyway, my little girl will be 6 months next week and I guess my body follows the saying: It took nine months to gain it, it'll take 9 months to lose it. I wish I would be able to lose it sooner, but everybody is different and I am not going to stress out about it.

Kristine :)
I gained 54lbs with both of my last two pregnancies. x( I'm hoping to avoid that this time around, but I think your body does what it is going to do. With my 1st I was back to prepregnacy weight within 9 months. I was breastfeeding until she was 6 months old, when I stopped I lost the last 10 pounds (breastfeeding never helped me to lose weight! ;( ) With ds I was back to prepregnancy weight in less than 6 months-I couldn't breastfeed that time. Don't worry too much, you can always lose it after the baby is born. A healthy pregnancy and baby is more important! :)
I gained 40lbs with both pregnancies; I worked out the entire pregnancy with both, and resumed at 10 days pp with both. (Had extremely easy delivery and recovery) I just had my 6 week check up and I'm already down 30lbs.
I gained 55 with my first and 65 with my second. I know it's grotesque, but this amount of weight seems to run in the family, and none of the women in my family are overweight. Both times it took 9 months to a year to get back to my normal 125 lbs. I didn't lose much upon delivery, but at the six week check-up I had lost around 20 lbs. It was slow and steady after that. Exclusively breastfeeding didn't seem to make the weight come off any faster for me, though I have friends who had the opposite experience. Everybody responds so differently to childbirth, but generally it's nine months up and nine months back down.

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