Something we DON'T know about you (FITNESS)

I'm going to have to buddy up with Charlotte on the no stretching thing. I don't do it all the time and really do it half-heartedly when I actually do. :-(

I was the most unfit person (that was in relatively good health) I've ever known when I started working out in 1989.

I couldn't do ANYTHING in the gym, but slowly ride the bikes, set on level "O", for 30 seconds at a time before I had to stop to rest and let the pain in my legs subside.

I can't believe I was ever that frail.
I have never once warmed up. EVER. And I was also ALWAYS last to be chosen in gym class. Sounds like we all have a lot in common.
I couldn't do a 'terminator thrust climber' with good form to save my lifex(

From grade 5 - 8 I tried out for every team that was an option and never made one:( I wonder what the Girls who did make the teams look like now;-)

Take Care
I only stretch when I hear Sarah/Imafitnessfreak's nagging voice in my head. If good intentions count then I get an A+ since I recently bought about 5 new yoga DVDs. :7

But I ALWAYS warm up.

And, yes, I was always chosen last in gym class. By the time high school rolled around I rarely attended gum class and almost didn't graduate because of that. :+ My parents were livid!
Hah! All of my, eh-hem, fantasies have been replaced by my eclipsing desire to convert a room in my house to my own personal gym! Bye-bye Brad Pitt! :7


PS: I weighed 99 pounds until I was out of college. My legs were so skinny all the boys referred to them as "toothpicks," and not in a nice way, either!
When I was in high school I could not run an entire track lap (440 yards!). You'd better believe I was always picked last. (Complete with the snickers and moaning that go with that - "We HAVE to take her, coach?!?" and the other team chuckling....)

Fortunately now I do at least one 10k a year - just to show that high school kid what's important, and I'm a proud mother of a 13 year old who routinely runs 2-3 miles with me.

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