Somebody, HEEELPPPP!


Ok, that's it! I ve GOT to clean up my diet. Ive got the exercise program under control. I work out consistently 5-6times a week, 5 cardio, 2 strength (I do cardio and weights on the same days sometimes) while Ive seen major improvements, My hips, pooch, and thighs still need help. I took some polaroids before Cathe and was just brave enough to look at them last night, Oh God, they are not pretty!! HA HA, but atleast I can see some improvement. Just not as much as I would like, or should be seeing with my workout regieme, so I guess I must finally admit that it is because I eat too much junk. Not a lot, but everyday I find myself chomping on swedish fish (its candy, yummy), ice cream, and now of course, friggin Girl Scout cookies (who can resit those cute little girls in those uniforms going door-to-door, Its my duty to help her go to space camp, isnt it???? Bottom line, is I am totally addicted to carbs. Anyone out there who changed their diet and saw it made a huge difference?? Any advice?? Im willing to give it 2 weeks, will it be worth it?? Judy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-02 AT 10:05AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, I've lost 7 lbs so far this month since I've omitted refined carbs from my diet completely. I've also had very little dairy/eggs. I don't count carbs at all and eat plenty of them,(along with fruits/veggies/water/some protein, but not alot), but I haven't been eating them after 6 pm. Seems to be working.

Like it or not, *some* of us can't do it without cutting out the junk food. *sigh*. Just a fact of life. HTH. Robin.

P.S. I forgot to tell you the best part. After 2-3 days, it becomes EASY!!!!!
RE: a bit long....

It is a constant struggle to eat healthy, and unfortunately there is not one magic formula for everyone.

However I have found that getting enough sleep and water really help. Being fatiged (SP?) can really add to poor food decisions. That tired feeling may make you want to crave a sweet for that quick burst of energy, but it is followed by an even lower level of alertness than before the sweet. I am talking blood sugar spikes and valleys here.

Another factor is a lack of planning. If you plan youy meals out for the week and then grocery shop accordingly it helps. Take those girl scout cookies and give them away.

If you are really ready for a change, you may want to try Weight Watchers. The plan is one that works as a lifestyle change, not a diet. Flexability is part of the WW Point system. You are allowed a given number of points for your weight and you will lose weight if you follow the plan. Points are VERY easy to determine.

My favorite motto for eating healthy is this:
Follow the 4 D's:
& drink water !!!!

all things in moderation :)
RE: a bit long....

Ok, this is really weird, but my post is not showing up on the topic list in Open Discussion", the only way I can see it is on my email, when somebody responds, right now< iam currently posting this on my email, what is going on?? I thought it didnt go thru, but obviously, if people are responding it did?? Does everybody else see it?? So, if this goes thru, thanks for the responses. I get enough sleep, try to drink plenty of h2o, but, like you said, when I get hungry, anything can happen, and I rationalize it by saying "oh, its ok, I workout, I can eat it". Excuse my ignorance but what is refined carbs?? Are you talikng sugar?? Maybe if I just cut the junk out, and ate regular meals, Id loose it, is there a 12 step program for Carboholics?? My chanllange it to make it thru today without any junk! Well see! Thanks, and keep the advice coming!! Judy
RE: a bit long....

Hi Judy,

Try eating more protein. I just read Body RX & that's what he recommends. I was shaving trouble loosing weight & am giving that a try. A bunch of people I know are in WW & they suggested the same. We'll see!

Hi Judym64!
I can totally relate to your carboholic situation and those %$#&% girl scout cookies! I even bought a box of the lowfat ones thinking they would be a little bit better but NOOOOOOOO--they are just as evil as the regular one--false advertising on the part of those little green girls! Anyway, you CAN kick the habit, it just takes a few days of determination. It is not necessary to completely deprive yourself of a goodie you just have to learn to control the treat---don't turn it into a binge. Myself, I have to go all out and not eat a treat because otherwise it turns into a binge. I have no OFF switch when it comes to sugar. It is easier for me to just not eat junk at all than to allow myself a treat everyday. Anyway, focus on making good carb choices--whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lowfat/no fat cheeses, yogurts, dairy products. When I want to get serious about my diet, I pretend that I am pregnant (wierd, I know but it works for me) and it makes me eat better because everything I put into my mouth affects my "growing baby". A cookie or cake or candy is not going to be giving my "baby" good nutrients so I will choose something else. My pretend pregnancy works for me since I am trying to get pregnant anyway and I want to make sure that i am eating properly so that I can have a healthy baby with 10 fingers and 10 toes! I have found that after a few days of good clean eating and no treats, that I actually do not crave the sugar as much anyway. Hang in there! You can do it!
RE: Squeeze your ears

A few days ago at the supermarket I picked up the April issue of "Fitness" magazine. On the last page was a list of 10 ways to bust a craving.

Since junk food has always been the bane of my existence I read it eagerly. I am amazed at myself sometimes. I can go a whole day or two eating and exercising properly and then whammo! one cookie can set me off to eat the whole box at one time. Therefore, I was always wondering how to avoid having that first cookie. By the way, for those out there that can have just one or two and then walk away, I am seriously jealous.

But I digress.

Tip number 8 made me laugh (or guffaw) out loud it sounded so ludicrous. But I gave it a try on my next sweet attack and I swear to you it worked. Have not had a sweet in more than a week. So I have decided to share it with anyone out there who will try it as soon as they stop laughing about it.

Here it is:

"The little triangle of cartilage where the ear meets the cheek is called the appetite control point," says Stephen Shimer, coauthor of "Healing with Pressure Point Therapy" and licensed acupuncture practitioner in Fairfield, California. Each time a craving arises, pinch the area with your thumb and index finger for 30 seconds.

I do a double ear squeeze, holding for a slow count of 30. By the time I release the ear I just don't wanna have that sweet anymore. Personally, I think the double squeeze works best under the theory that if one is good, two is better.

I would love to hear from those of you who try this. Did it work for you?

Anyway, just so I am not called a meanie, I will share the other 9 craving buster tips in case you want to know them all.

1. Wait it out. Cravings have the life span of a fruit fly. They hit hard but last only 10 minutes. So, in the spirit of "I can do anything for 10 minutes," call a friend, pluck your eyebrows, put your hands over your ears and sing "La la la, I can't hear you!" After a measely one sixth of an hour, you'll feel much better.

2, A whiff of banana, peppermint or green apple may help quell food cravings.

3. Brush your teeth, floss and rinse with mouthwash.

4. A daily magnesium supplement (400 milligrams) can curb a chocoholic's urge within a week. The mineral (which is an ingredient in chocolate) helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

5. Pining for sugar and carbohydrates? You may be short of the brain chemical serotonin. Replenish with tryptrophan-rich foods - oats, almonds, warm milk, turkey.

6. Drink lots of water. Expand the stomach with water and feel your cravings disappear. An added benefit: You can't get to the kitchen if you're forever in the bathroom.

7. The Hershey's Kiss might give you an instant high. But so will running. The petite treat adds 26 calories to your daily tallky, while hitting the road for three minutes burns 26 calories. You do the math.

8. Already discussed, and in my opinion, the best of the bunch.

9. According to a 2001 French study, women cave in to cravings when sad or stressed. Instead of eating, soothe yourself by playing your favorite CD or curling up with a beloved book. Men indulge their cravings when happy, proving they really are from another planet.

10. Keep in mind that deprivation can lead to bingeing. You won't find solace in a cookie jar, but you will find a cookie and that's a lovely treat now and then. Food isn't evil, so go ahead and enjoy. Just don't empty the jar.

(My own note for #10: have one or two cookies and start squeezing those ears.)

Maybe instead of the Thighmaster someone should come out with a double ear squeezer, purse size, to carry around for those times we just need a little help. The visual of this slays me.

Hope to "ear" from all of you out there when you have done the squeeze test.

RE: Squeeze your ears

Thanks for your post Marlene. At first I thought your were me! Yesterday I had eggwhites and rye toast for breakfast, chicken and a sweet potato for lunch, and yogurt with flax seed for a snack. At dinner I thought, I've been doing so good today, I'll just have a cookie. Well half an hour later and with tears streaming down my face the whole package of stupid Chips AHoy was gone. But today is a new day. Your post made me laugh and I am printing out the 10 tips. Thanks again.
I'm experimenting with cutting out sugar and white flour except in tiny amounts, so far so good. My appetite is so much more even and sane all day long. When I do get hungry it's a calm hungry, not a frantic hungry.

I feel your pain, truly I do. I have the same problem that you do, I love junk. I'm certainly no expert on this subject, but here is what I suggest.

DO NOT keep anything bad at home. Stock your shelves with food that is good and nutritious. Find things that you can snack on, that fill you up, that are good for you and not too fattening. Try to eat most, if not all, of your meals at home!

Once a week allow yourself to go out for a snack. Anything you want. Make it a whole meal or just dessert or whatever. Even twice a week is okay if you need to. If you know you are going to a party on Saturday where there will be junk food and dessert, use that as your weekly snack day.

Good luck!!
Kristie's given you great advice, most of which I follow.

It DOES get easier and you won't crave junk food. (Really!!)

YES! Get the junk food out of your house. Slices apples and peanut butter. YUM, YUM!

When you feel a craving, grab some dumbbells and do some bicep curls or some crunches or pushups. This provides distraction and reinforces the fact that you can do something HEALTHY for yourself instead of eating junk. YOU are more powerful than a bag of girl scout cookies.

(On a tangent, but speaking of girl scout cookies: I visited a friend and she had 150 boxes of the deadly stuff in her kitchen corner. She had to buy them to meet her daughter's quota and she begged me to take as many home as I could. Is she the devil or what???? I didn't take any. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! They're going on her hips, not mine!)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-02 AT 07:49PM (Est)[/font][p]150 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies---OH MY GOD!!!:-wow That woman needs to have a "bake" sale and get rid of those things! And here I am complaining about the three boxes in my cupboard--which are going to be relocated to the freezer so they are not calling to me every time I open the cabinet }>. Good luck to her!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-02 AT 05:40AM (Est)[/font][p]Come now, I really doubt that she HAD to buy 150 boxes! Maybe daughter was after a prize or something.

I vote for keeping your bad trigger foods out of the house. I cannot keep marshmallows around at all....I have better luck passing up chocolate.

DO allow yourself a cheat CAN lose weight doing this, and it makes it easier to pass up the junk during the week.

DO have around "legal" (this is an old WW term) goodies, and allow yourself at least one per day. Mine is sugar-free, fat-free Jello pudding.

Convert yourself over to complex carbs no simple sugars on your non-cheat days. Whole wheat spaghetti is wonderful! So is brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc.

It can be done, it's not easy, but it's worth it. So is exercise. Just plan, plan, plan. This is the big, giant key word. Plan your exercise and plan your eats.
I had to laugh about the girl scout cookies. I just received mine yesterday but I'm leaving for Florida today so I put them in the freezer. Last night while I was packing I started thinking maybe I should put a couple of boxes in my bag. For the kids of course. What could I be thinking I have to wear a bathing suit in less than 24 hours. ugh!!
I lasted over 24 hours so far!!!!!

First of all, you are all so wonderful and supportive, and FUNNY! We dont even know each other and so many are willing to help and advise and sympathize! Thank you all so much, you REALLY do make a difference and I thought of you all many times yesterday. NOw hear this......(drum roll....) for the first time in Months I did not eat ONE BIT of junk!! I seriously didnt think I could do it, thats how bad I am, but I kept thinking of the words of wisdom here, and "after two or three days you wont even crave it.." I even went to DAIRY QUEEN with my neighbor (she's pregnant, we were on a road trip, I couldnt stop her!) and I DIDNT GET ANYTHING!!! oh, a butterfinger blizzard would have hit the spot, I told my neighbor what I was trying to accomplish and asked her if she thought I could do it, and she looked at me and said "of course you can do it" so that helped (mind you she said that while scoffing down her reeses blizzard).As for not keeping junk in the house, forget it,I have kids, but it's not that bad, it's easier today. And in the immortal words of Bob the Builder "can I do it? YES I CAN!thanks!
RE: I lasted over 24 hours so far!!!!!

BTW< to LIkes2befit, I love the 4 "D"s I am writing them down and will tape them up all over, in my workout room, car, etc. Marlene, the ten tips were great, my ears will be bleeding by the end of the day! And Debbie, words of warning: frozen girl scout cookies are YUMMY!!! I'll keep y'all posted on my progress. With much appreciation to all of you! Judy
? for JamminX3

Hi Robin,
I have been psyching myself up to try this way of eating - I think that I would really benefit from it. However, I need to follow a very specific diet otherwise I will totally get off-track. Would you mind sharing with me your daily diet... I mean what foods do you choose from for your meals/snacks? I really love sweets, but I know I can do this if I put my mind to it.
Thanks for the info!
RE: I lasted over 24 hours so far!!!!!

Just an update, I have been doing REALLY good with my junk eating. And youre right, it IS getting easier as the days go by, they only thing I had was 7 swedish fish (it's the serving size discussed on the package, not quite worth the 38 gms of carbs) which is a miracle for me cuz I usually eat the whole bag. BUT, last night during Will & Grace, I was STARVING and came soooo close to heading to the kitchen, ohhhh the things I was dreaming of eating, but I SWEAR to you, I actually flossed and brushed my teeth and said to myself, if I made all day, Im not gonna blow it now. Thought for sure I'd jump on the scale this am and see the numbers dwindle, but alas, NO CHANGE, I know, it wont happen overnight. Im still giving it two weeks. Judy
RE: I lasted over 24 hours so far!!!!!

I'm just relieved to know I'm not the only one with the Girl Scout cookie thing. Sigh!
RE: I lasted over 24 hours so far!!!!!

My post is so totally "off topic", but Judy, when you mentioned "Will and Grace", I just had to write - That line made by Will's character, when he commented on how everyone was sleeping with everyone else and "suddenly they're "Fleetwood Mac!" just about killed me. I laughed so hard. (That show is just SO hilarious.)

But, would anyone under the age of 30 find that line funny???

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