so what's the worst body part to work out?


It used to be abs for me 'cause I was really weak in the core, but that has gotten better. Now I really hate chest work, especially push-ups. I can do max 10 but then I need a breather, but Cathe usually does about 16 and then the half-way holds to go with them.

I used to never feel my lats very well & never felt sore but when I started doing KPC, I really focused with the punches & I feel like I really worked them the next day. I like that bit of soreness. Makes me feel accomplished.

Well, even though they are so important, I hate working legs the most. Because, as we all know, when we get to the point of agonizing muscle pain, the muscles are a lot larger, causing a lot more pain!
There is only so much a triceps or shoulder muscle can hurt!

Quads are the absolute worst. I can imagine the faces I make during Leaner Legs or the Power Hour squat song.

And I have to work my legs twice a week, so this is an ongoing source of horror.
I have to say that legs are my worst to.Static Lunges to be exact! Squats and plie squats don't bother me to much but the rest of it....I could careless about!
I agree -I HATE working my legs but "you gotta do what you gotta do":) Oh, I'm also not a big fan of working my back-it is just so boringx(
Legs!!!!!!! Love doing upper, but it's a chore to do the lower half!~~~ I'm forcing myself to do lower first...otherwise, I conveniently "forget" hehehehe}(
Deinitely legs! I don't mind floor work, but standing ANYTHING just drives me nuts! Unfortunately, it's the part of my body that needs the most work, so I gotta do it!
Chest and back. I have no reason for chest, just am not crazy about 'em. Back is because I broke my pelvis when I was 19 and now have mild scoliosis. My lower back gets really achey when doing deadlifts. But boy does it feel good to stretch it!
This is a much tougher question for me than asking what my favorite body parts to work out are. I can't actually think of a body part I dread working out. It used to be abs, and I suppose I do like working abs the least, but I still don't HATE working abs.
Biceps hands down! I can't do all the reps in ME with the same wt Cathe uses to save my life! Every other muscle group is a walk in the park compared to the agony I go through to work my biceps. I have to focus on my biceps more b/c my triceps look perfectly sculpted so then my arms look lop sided!
Legs...yuck! haha
I don't know why though, b/c it does feel really good when you do it. I just hate lunges. I miss my karate classes. Have to get back into it. All of those kicks made my legs & butt look fantastic!
Chest - I HATE doing pushups!! I dread doing legs, but I enjoy doing them because I need as much work in that area as possible. So for me it's kind of a love/hate thing.

The only exercise Cathe "beats" me on is triceps, so I guess I would have to say that because I can't keep up with her...waaaaa...!
Yeah, working triceps is such a bore. There's only one tricep exercise I really like, French presses. And I just never see much results from any triceps work I do. Maybe it's also beause on so many of her workouts, triceps come last, and by then I'm just crossing my boredom threshold anyway!

Legs are another matter. Love working legs and the results are immediate and visible. I love the feeling of power, even as I scream with the agony of the low ends lunges after the static lunges on Power Hour. The only thing about legs I really hate is plie squats because I just don't have the range of motion for them that I want to have, never had it even as a kid doing ballet. Oh well, we work within our personal limitations, right?

I would have to say my core. Planks are the most difficult excericse I've ever done. I am getting much better at them, but still...HATE them!
Susan C.M.
Triceps.I hate the kickbaks.I love doing abs and shoulders.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)

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