So what's the skinny on cellulite?


While I'm trying very hard to accept my extra 10 lbs, I don't think I'll ever be able to accept the cottage cheese that's multiplying on my rear end. Most definitely genetics--I look at myself & see a smaller version of my mom. I need to stop this freight train before it gets any worse.

Now, as I understand it, cellulite is fat pockets under the skin, which is what causes that dimpling appearance. While I've been dieting forever, the dieting seems to be only preventing weight gain--I seem utterly incapable of losing weight at this point in my life.

So I guess the Q is, is the only way to get rid of cellulite weight loss? I'm considering adding a 2nd leg w/o to my routine, something like B&G. Other than that, I have no idea how to combat this disgusting phenomenon. :confused:

Any thoughts or advice?
Hi Laura,

I have it too and would love to be rid of it. Just yesterday I ordered something that I hope helps.
They have a code for $10.00 off if you decide to order it. You can find the code by going to the forum on this site. The forum has some testiominals on this product too and it wasn't expensive, about $29.95 total. Shipping takes about two weeks


I've heard foam rolling was found to help with cellulite. That would make sense if one believes that massage is helpful. I've read about massage to help combat cellulite, and the explanation seems decent, but I haven't gone down that road yet myself.

Side note: My mother is 78 and has absolutely no cellulite on her legs. She has beautiful, toned, tan, dimple-free legs. She never exercises, drinks wine and beer, and "diet" isn't even a word in her personal vocabulary. If I didn't love her so much, I'd smack her.
I've heard foam rolling was found to help with cellulite. That would make sense if one believes that massage is helpful. I've read about massage to help combat cellulite, and the explanation seems decent, but I haven't gone down that road yet myself.

Side note: My mother is 78 and has absolutely no cellulite on her legs. She has beautiful, toned, tan, dimple-free legs. She never exercises, drinks wine and beer, and "diet" isn't even a word in her personal vocabulary. If I didn't love her so much, I'd smack her.

LOL! That sounds like Cathe--I swear, that woman's skin stopped aging when she turned 17. :p So much of this is genetics, pretty tough to fight.

I'm kinda skeptical of rollers, massagers & the like. Everything I've read online says skin creams & gimmicks won't work. Problem is, they don't tell you what will, which leads me to believe it's permanent! :(

Edit: Cindy, keep us posted. If you actually see results w/that thing I will def. get one.
:( Sadly Laura, you've answered your own question.

"everything I've read on line says skin creams gimmicks won't work"

I think its time we were ALL brutally honest with ourselves, if we are part of the large large group of selected, most unluckiest people in the world who suffer this incurable and viscious, ugly, vile phenonmenon well..................... thats it .................. so be it. It can be hidden temporariliy - Demi MOORE is the perfect example of this. She spent thousands on her Charlie Angels Bod, only to have, now, the return of the cellulite.

You may be better off seeing a therapist and learning how to accept it.:eek: EEK!
:( Sadly Laura, you've answered your own question.

"everything I've read on line says skin creams gimmicks won't work"

I think its time we were ALL brutally honest with ourselves, if we are part of the large large group of selected, most unluckiest people in the world who suffer this incurable and viscious, ugly, vile phenonmenon well..................... thats it .................. so be it. It can be hidden temporariliy - Demi MOORE is the perfect example of this. She spent thousands on her Charlie Angels Bod, only to have, now, the return of the cellulite.

You may be better off seeing a therapist and learning how to accept it.:eek: EEK!

So I'm stuck w/this icky stuff? Really? Exercise & diet won't help? That is so depressing. :(
Ya know it must be mainly genetics. I really don't have any cellulite. Even when my legs are flabby they are not dimpled. I guess that is one thing I have going for me.
Laura, I have been traing for a half marathon and it was grueling for me to do leg w/outs so I stopped them completely, oh about 9 weeks ago. My legs are leaner and tighter than ever. I think it is a combo of lots of mileage and hill running. The hills will really work that booty and thighs.
Oh and I do believe that diet most definitely will help. Maybe not to get rid of it completely but it will help.
Ya know it must be mainly genetics. I really don't have any cellulite. Even when my legs are flabby they are not dimpled. I guess that is one thing I have going for me.
Laura, I have been traing for a half marathon and it was grueling for me to do leg w/outs so I stopped them completely, oh about 9 weeks ago. My legs are leaner and tighter than ever. I think it is a combo of lots of mileage and hill running. The hills will really work that booty and thighs.

Ummm, I think I hate you LaDonna. LMAO!

For some reason the only thing diet can do for me these days is keep it from getting worse. I was really hoping for some success stories from other forum members that'd give me a light at the end of the tunnel.

So, is this what Demi did?

I'm thinking about it, but I'm not spending the money if it's just gonna come back.
It is most frustrating to work our tails off and still have cellulite, yet see somebody who doesn't do anything, they are overweight, and there they are with smooth legs. I have my mom to thank for mine, and I have a hard time accepting it!! When I lived with my brother 16 years ago (ummm, yes, still haven't forgotten!), I was standing on his bed under his very unflattering ceiling fan spotlights (literally) so right there, I was at a disadvantage. He said "how can you be so skinny and have so much cellulite?" Holy crap - that did me in. Of course, in actual light it didn't look that bad but I got on with exercising more than I was (admitedly not too much). Mine has lessened lately and I attribute that to Cathe and HIIT - CC and Spinervals (thank you!) and to eating pretty clean, no diet drinks, and more water. I guess we'll always have it but it can be controlled. I have read that you can massage coffee grounds onto problem areas and the combo of the caffeine and the massaging temporarily eases the appearance of cellulite. At least it is free if you are already fixing coffee at home :D
Hey Laura, What do you think about trying some of this cream? :D If it works for this lady we may be on to something! :cool: :D
Chrissy! LOL! Well, I'll need to see her results before I place an order. :p

OK so that's pretty much what my a$$ looks like, 'cept it isn't orange. :eek:
Hey Laura~

If you find something that works, let me know. I have had liposuction which got rid of the saddlebags but did nothing for cellulite. A couple years ago I had Vela Smooth treatment which improved the appearance but it didn't go away:( My cosmetic dermatologist talked to me about lipo dissolve where they inject a bunch of chemicals which are supposed to "melt" the fat. I'm not going there!

I really think genetics plays a key role. Also, with getting older, I've noticed my skin has lost elasticity which makes the cellulite look even worse. It sucks and isn't fair but I've gotten to the point where I just need to accept it.

Hey Laura~

If you find something that works, let me know. I have had liposuction which got rid of the saddlebags but did nothing for cellulite. A couple years ago I had Vela Smooth treatment which improved the appearance but it didn't go away:( My cosmetic dermatologist talked to me about lipo dissolve where they inject a bunch of chemicals which are supposed to "melt" the fat. I'm not going there!

I really think genetics plays a key role. Also, with getting older, I've noticed my skin has lost elasticity which makes the cellulite look even worse. It sucks and isn't fair but I've gotten to the point where I just need to accept it.


JJ, you just had one velasmooth treatment? That's one of the things I think I'm gonna look into, but evidently you need 5-6 to really see a difference, & then some kind of maintenance after. Also the fat melting injections. Really a variety of stuff to see what's my best option.

<sigh> I really hate this aging thing. :mad:
I had about 10 treatments and it did help with the appearance but it got really expensive to maintain.

The cosmetic dermatologist I saw told me they were having really good success with combining the lipo dissovle injections with the velasmooth. Maybe that is an option for you.

I hear ya on the aging thing:mad:

Laura, I hear ya bout being pissed about the cellulite. I'm pretty much at my healthy weight and am in great shape. I exercise 5-6 days a week and do lots of heavy weights and heavy cardio. And still I have cellulite. And I'm only 22 y/o. It really does have a lot to do with genetics. My mother has always exercised and ate decent and shes always had cellulite too. BUT my sister has these skinny little legs which makes me wanna kill her lol.

I do notice a change in my thighs and butt big time when I do floorwork with ankle weights. I LOVE Cathe's B&G "Floorwork and abs" premix. If I do that twice a week I started doing that twice a week and noticed some cellulite deminishing. To be totally honest I HATE and rarely ever do standing leg weight work (like squats and lunges) with a barbell. When I DO do standing leg work its walking lunges or Cathe's lunge/squat combo from B&G (which kills yet uses no weight).

So, I had unfortunately gained so much weight by the age of 25 that I saw cellulite creep in. It was one of the things that made me kick my ass into gear in fact. I only see it in my buttocks really, sometimes the back of my thighs. And I really feel like its diminished greatly with my weight loss. In fact, you can't even tell that there's dimpling unless I'm holding my muscles taught. I think its about burning the fat and firming up the skin..and its a slow process. Whenever I lose a fair bit of weight, I do these mineral body wraps -- makes your skin look great and it does help you firm it up a bit (they claim it makes you lose weight but I think that's really does make your skin feel firmer and softer). I'm probably up for another body wrap in another ten pounds. I think creams and dietary supplements can help but in a sloooooow time. So, I use creams that claim to firm on a regular basis and yeah, I guess I see improvement. I think skin care for people who don't have perfect genetics has to be a long road.
Another Cellulite Sufferer here!

Yep, I've got it bad too on the back of my legs...ugh!

I'm a hard core exerciser, not overweight, eat right ( most of the time) and I can't get the stuff to budge!! I'm 41 now and have had it since puberty.

I think skin thickness has something to do with it too... the thicker your skin, the less it shows. As I get older it seems to get worse ( your skin thins when you age)

If my legs are tan, it isn't quite as obvious, ( I use the bacon analogy..brown bacon always looks better than raw white bacon!) and thank goodness the bermuda shorts were back in this summer season!

I just try to remind myself to be grateful that at least these legs work, are strong, and take me where I need to go. ( Oh, and to wear dark workout pants too! ;)

Lynn M.
OK I did a little more online research today. Evidently I'm fortunate b/c it usually starts showing betw. 30-35. At least I made it to 40 (however the sudden, literally OVERNIGHT appearance was a bit traumatic!).

And yes Lynn & others, many articles specifically pointed out that it even shows on women who are in prime physical condition. :eek:

It also said men don't get it at all--something about how the fibers under the skin are different--men's fibers are linear so are able to hold fat in check. :mad: Women's fibers are crossed & eventually are unable to keep fat stable. :(

Not that I understand WTH any of that means, other than I have it & I'm stuck w/it.

you have been so fortunate not to have this "thingy" until now.

I've had it for a very long time, I put on weight, lost it, put on weight, lost it. During this time I exercised religiously and hard. Did the running up and down hills thing, training for marathons too. Did it work for me? NOPE, and at the same time, I was madly putting on lotions and potions and promises. Nothing "got rid of it"

So, listen to NijaMom and me, learn to accept it.

Don't go spending squillions on something that is a temporary fix, unless you really "need" to.

By the way, I've finally found a brilliant briallant skin care line and its not that expensive! What? I hear you scream at me. Yep, its true, lovey, I shall continue my experiments in the Lab (bathroom) but I have NEVER been so happy with my skin. (P.S Still got those blasted wrinkles though)

I can live with the cellulite, I can wear "old ladies" (joking folks) coverme everywhere underwhere to hide it. But the wrinkles!! The wrinkles Laura, the wrinkles I just can't deal with:mad::mad:

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