So what are your latest dvd purchases? ( workouts)

Can I ask how you got Tracey's sweatfest dvds from DDD? I've been all over that site and can't find them!!

Me, too. Here's my list:

Beachbody Slim Series
Power Half Hour Thigh Trimmer
KPC with Legs & Glutes
Amy Bento's Kickbox Extreme - actually given to me
Coming in the mail: Cindy Marsh's Ultrafit

Thank goodness DH doesn't read these forums...

I've bought:

Power 90X
Jari Love Slim & Lean
Jari Love Ripped to the Core
Stott Pilates Core Challenge
Stott Pilates Strong & Streamlined

Also, just got a Bosu so I'm looking for some workouts that I can use it with :D

Clare - fluidity is a very sturdy ballet barre with accompanying DVDs, bands, and a ball to engage stretching and use of your own body weight for an unbelievable workout. I've seen the informercial a lot lately. I sold my P90X - gasp - to offset the cost. You can see more at


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
CIA Double Cardio
Amy Bento's HLX and KBX
Bosu Reactive Power and Strength
All of Jari Love's workouts
Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Step Boxing and NYC

Looking at:
Amy Bento's Advanced Step Challenge
Amy Bento's Cardio Pump Step and Cardio Pump Hi/Lo
Thinking of preordering Sharon's CIA workout
Waiting for the new TLT announcement (may film more in March)
Looking forward to Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Step Boxing 2 (she's planning one dedicated to the original's fast pace and one at a slower pace)
Looking forward to any new Cathe's


My husband is on day 4 and he really likes it a lot. There's a whole nutrition guide and everything that goes along with it and I don't know how that part is, but the workouts according to him is really great. I'm still on the fence about trying it out.

If there's anyone out there who did do it, what did you think? Is it worth the 90 day commitment? I have been doing the Cathe rotations and I'm pretty happy with those.


My husband is on day 4 and he really likes it a lot. There's a whole nutrition guide and everything that goes along with it and I don't know how that part is, but the workouts according to him is really great. I'm still on the fence about trying it out.

If there's anyone out there who did do it, what did you think? Is it worth the 90 day commitment? I have been doing the Cathe rotations and I'm pretty happy with those.

I just recieved Kelly Coffey-meyers stepboxing and Amy Bentos Kickbox Xtreme. I haven't tried them yet, I have out of town company staying in my workout area. Next week...

Terri - Who's Terry Marsh and where can I check her workouts out?

Ninja Mom- If you want a really fun and intense cardio workout with the Bosu - you should get CIA - Double Cardio. It has a great Bosu Cardio workout with ab work with Seasun Zieger and also a cardio/weight circuit (that's freakin' almost harder than Cathe --if you can believe that) with Sharon Twombly that is killer 75". Seasun's is around 60-70" ....can't remember. I think it may be sort of interval cardio also. You're going to love your Bosu. It really kicks my HR up......well, with Seasun! I also have the Rob Glick Bosu cardio's and he's not too bad. They are decent. I got them from Collage. Do you have Gliding Discs too?? cuz MIndy has a good one called Ultimate Balance, Strength, Cardio and STability. Have fun with your Bosu. Seasun's workout also has a great ab segment done on the Bosu.
It's Cindy Marsh and you can read about the workout at It's called the 45-minute Ultra Fat Burning workout. I bought it on a recommendation from JenL13 who says it's a great workout. She sent me a breakdown of the exercises but that information is on a different computer. I'll post it later today if you're interested.

Actually i had posted it on this form, do a search for Cindy Whitmarsh Ultimat Fat Burner & you should be able to find it. If not, let me or Terri know & one of us can repost it!
>Hi. I am new to the forum but thought I'd chime in.
>I just purchased
>Drill Max
>Body Max 2
>Low Max
>The Firm Jiggle Free Arms
>I have to ask how is Gilad Cuts n Curves? I want to purchase
>it but would love to know what you think.

Cuts & Curves is the only one I bought from his new series. I like it alot. The scenery is great and I liked alternating between tubing and dumbbells for a change. It is definitely not as intense as a Cathe strength workout. But I wanted the change. The workout looks like his show on Fit TV. You might want to check it out if you're interested.
My new purchases have been:

Gliding workouts from "Mindy's website" & Rebounding workouts "G Force 1 & 2".

These are two types of workouts that are totally different for me and its been a very nice change of pace.
My latest fitness DVD purchases:
Karen Voight Sleek Essentials (I have done both the "Sculpt" and "Sweat" several times--sometimes combined--but haven't ried "Sleek" yet. I really like them).
Kathy Smith Matrix Sculpting workout (under $9 at Walmart, how could I resist! I haven't tried it, but I really like it on preview---except for Kathy sometimes going off the beat of the music).
Patrick Goudeau "Dumb Training"
Powerstrike 4 with Ilaria Montanani
>Gliding workouts from "Mindy's website" & Rebounding workouts
>"G Force 1 & 2".

What do you think about G Force 2? I have G Force 2 and like it, but I've read some bad reviews about G Force 2.

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