So what are you reading now?


Hey everyone,

Haven't seen one of these posts for awhile, so thought I'd get one going. I'm about to finish Geraldine Brooks' novel _Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague_ (the title says it all! it's interesting, but a very dark book) and will start Arundhati Roy's _The God of Small Things_ after that.

What are or have you been reading lately?:)

P.S. And no one can say that they're reading the new issue of Fitness magazine . . . . ;-)
Right now I'm reading We're Just Like You Only Prettier - Confessions of a Tarnished Southern Belle by Celia Rivenbark. It is a series of essays by a columnist for the Myrtle Beach Sun News. Before that, I read Jan Karon's newest in the Mitford series. I just love those books.
I just finished reading Anne Rice's book "The Witching Hour" and now i'm about to re-start the sequel to that book. It's called "Lasher".
>I just finished reading Anne Rice's book "The Witching Hour"
>and now i'm about to re-start the sequel to that book. It's
>called "Lasher".

I used to love Anne Rice, but haven't read her for years! Is _The Witching Hour_ the first of the series? It sounds interesting!:)
Im reading 'Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See and after that I will read" Heart Shaped Box" by Joe Hill,about a ghost:eek:

I just finished Water for elephants by sara Gruen and absolutely LOVED IT! I may go find some more books by her!

Before that i read "the glass castle" and i can't remember the author:-( also a VERY good book!

I am reading Long Day's Journey into Nights by Eugene O'Neill and The Daughter of a Drow by Elaine Cunningham.
I'm reading The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller. I heard him in a very compelling interview and decided to buy his book. It's great -- I love it and highly recommend it.

I've added several books to my Amazon wish list but I haven't decided what I'll read next. Peace Like a River by Leif Enger is high on that list.
>Im reading 'Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" by Lisa See and
>after that I will read" Heart Shaped Box" by Joe Hill,about a
>I just finished Water for elephants by sara Gruen and
>absolutely LOVED IT! I may go find some more books by her!
>Before that i read "the glass castle" and i can't remember the
>author:-( also a VERY good book!

Oh, those books were all so good! I didn't like Lisa See's _Peony in Love_ quite as much as _Snow Flower_, but it was still good.:)
I'm still on the same book last time this question came up, unfortunately. It's tough getting through it for me. The last section in Bali isn't QUITE as hard though. The book is: Eat, Pray & Love. (anyone else have a hard time with it?)

I am dying to get through it, though, because next on my list is: Confessions of a Carb Queen. A memoir of a very overweight woman , who lost it all, and her struggles.


P.S. I absolutely ADORED Water for Elephants. And also Glass Castle was a page turner!!!
I'm reading the June edition of Fitness Magazine! ;) j/k

Actually, I keep meaning to pick up another book since finishing the Twilight series. I will have to check out some of the titles you gals have mentioned.
Evan Thomas's biography of Robert Kennedy. Very, very well-researched and well-written book about an extremely complicated man. Many critics believe we're in a Golden Age of political biography, and I agree with that, with such examples as David McCullough's "John Adams" and Robert Caro's trilogy of the life and times of Lyndon Johnson.

Good to know...I have "Water for Elephants" waiting for me at home when I return to Vegas. Right now I am reading "Are You There God, It's Me Vodka" the comedian Chelsea Lately.:* She is a hoot and a half she is! :7
I was just in Borders today and picked up Jen Lancaster's new one, forgot the title, but her other books were soooo funny, I love to laugh, so these types of books really appeal to me. Her book "Bitter is the New Black' was hilarious.

I also have "Pride and Prejudice" waiting too, just so you all do not think I am totally shallow.;)
Anyone ever read Madame Blavastsky? Now there's a little light reading for ya. She was something else that woman. Very metaphysical to say the least, I have mucked through a few of her books, and found them really fascinating.
Nearly done with Danielle Steele's Sisters. Been studying a few manuals/books for work lately so decided to do something much lighter in my "free" time.

Still have Eat, Pray, Love to read - maybe in the next month or so?
The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James.

I'm getting some great ideas for new reads when I finish this one, though.

I also always have a Jane Austen novel going, too.
I have three things going at the moment (the third will shed insight on three books at a time). All non-fiction:

1. Curly Girl
2. Chi Running
3. ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life

I'd be interested in re-visiting a discussion on curly girl stuff, if anyone else is interested. I think my hair looks like a mess this way! I think it's the cut I have, because I used to wear it curly and it looked much better than this.

>I'm reading the June edition of Fitness Magazine! ;) j/k
>Actually, I keep meaning to pick up another book since
>finishing the Twilight series. I will have to check out some
>of the titles you gals have mentioned.

Liann, did you hear that the fourth and final book in the Twlight series is coming out in August? You can pre-order it on Amazon!:)
Yeah, the Witching Hour was the first of the series, then "Lasher", then a book entitled "Taltos". The Witching Hour was an excellent book. There were some parts you wanted to skip over, but it was good nonetheless.

I love Anne Rice books. I've read the Vampire Chronicles as well. I liked it so much, i read each book in the series about 3 times. Lol!:D
>Ladies of Liberty by Cokie Roberts

This is on my wish list! Did you read Founding Mothers? It was one of my all-time favorite books. I just love Cokie!

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