So, what are you planning on doing today?

In the VERY early a.m. I did Cmax doing leg intervals such as squats and lunges with a barbell in place of the compound weight movements. I followed this with PUB Up only...whew! Thanks to A-jock for this idea. Tomorrow I plan on Imax 2. Wednesday it Boot Camp. Thursday is Cardio & Weights. Friday is PLB. Saturday is PUP followed by a short cardio. I feel energetic and strong this week so I'm milkin' it for all it's worth!:p
Ooooo Wanda, I am nipping into Sally later this week to spend some serious cash on the new OPI collection ! LOL You are not alone ! So far I have, Chocolate Shakespeare (which my friends are going nuts over), Abbey Rose (gorgeous), and Fe Fi Fo Plum (a very Wintry shade of purple). I am desperate to get my hands on Friar, Friar, Pants On Fire.....I just love orangey-reds :D

Our chocolate cup cakes came out very well, we iced them, put chocolate buttons on them, and sugar strands. The children love them and scoffed quite a few ! I was very good, I just had one (honest ! LOL)

Hope you had a good day too !

Anna :)
Ooooh.... just wanted to say that I'm a HUGE Terry Pratchett fan, although my collection is not up to snuff.. he's too popular to find at Half Price Books here. :) I'm not sure I've ever read the phrase headology, but I can picture exactly what it would mean. :) :) :) I'm actually taking a trip in a couple of weeks and have on my to-do list to find one of his mini-series of books to read on the plane.

Can't say anything about Feng Shui though, because I can never get past the whole 'unclutter your house' first stage!

As far as workouts, I'm in the middle of a CTX rotation (which I won't be able to finish because my Power Circuit tape died :( ), so Friday will actually be Leaner Legs - plenty scary enough!

>Ooooh.... just wanted to say that I'm a HUGE Terry Pratchett
>fan, although my collection is not up to snuff.. he's too
>popular to find at Half Price Books here. :) I'm not sure
>I've ever read the phrase headology, but I can picture exactly
>what it would mean. :) :) :) I'm actually taking a trip in a
>couple of weeks and have on my to-do list to find one of his
>mini-series of books to read on the plane.

Granny Weatherwax is the headology expert :) Have you read Witches Abroad? I *love* his inclusion of the spoof of the scene where Frodo and Sam are being followed in their boat by Smeagol who can be seen as a pair of eyes in the water. In Terry Pratchett's version, it's the witches who are being followed and Nanny Ogg (it may have been Granny Weatherwax but I'm pretty sure it was Nanny Ogg) raises her broomstick and aims it right between the eyes... Nice little homage to Lord Of The Rings from Terry Pratchett. Amazon UK have a special offer on some of his paperbacks right now: They're offering them at £12 for 3, which isn't a bad deal. Have you got The Unadulterated Cat as well? It's not a Discworld book but it is marvellously funny and very true to life --and-- cats!
- Lisa :)
Hello All,
Every day I start with a 5 mile walk than I pick a Cathe tape. Today I did PUB I am still having trouble with the pikes on the ball. I try. Yesterday I did CTX Step & Intervals. I think one of my favorites is Power Hour.

I guess Friday's not a good day for most people, in fact it doesn't seem to be a good week for any set challenges due to the holiday and school back in session. I have more time on my hands because my girls aren't starting school until the 9th and 10th of Sept. There's a mold problem in school that's taking a long time to clean. Anyway, I was all set to do MIS but decided I wanted to work one body part a week, so I switched to S&H triceps followed by IMAX. Loved IMAX, but I had to make major modifications because I can't do hi jumps and pylos. I had a lot of fun anyway!

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