So tired of being sick........


I have had a sinus infection for a week, and now, I find out today, that I have strep throat....I have not exercised in a week, and I am really getting tired of not feeling well. I have been lurking on here, but have not posted this week because I have felt guilty for not exercising, even though I have a good excuse. I have lost some weight this week, due mostly to not eating, I have had no appetite at all. It could be a whole lot worse, I just feel like complaining a little bit. Do you ever feel guilty that you dont have enough energy to workout when you are sick? My DH says I am crazy...But I really feel crappy when I dont get to workout....

Sorry, just had to vent a little. Thanks for listening as always.....

Joanna (feeling like a sick, unfit blob today)
Oh, Joanna, I feel for you....{{{{HUGS}}}} It's OK to complain and are among friends! It sucks being sick.

I know how you feel....I was sick on/off for 2 weeks recently and I felt so guilty about not working out. It felt great to get back into it. Just take care of yourself for now and start back slow when you're ready. Before you know it, it will be like you never stopped!

Take care of yourself and get better soon!

I hope you feel better soon. I was going to whine for being sick for 2 days, but that's nothing compared to what you are going through.

Awww! Post any time you need some cheering up. Someone will be here to make you feel better. Get Well Soon!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
If you have sinus problems or a slight upper respiratory infection, it's okay to workout, but you had Strep, a bacterial infection & your body needs to recover. There is no way I'd be working out when I feeling THAT bad or even, when I haven't eaten good & have little or no energy. You'll be as good as new in a few days.


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