So I've had this flu bug...have you?


I don't know what's going on in other parts of the country, but here in Indianapolis land the nasty bug has hit...although it's not that nasty for the majority. A smaller percentage of people who get it get "the works" (won't go into the details), but the majority I've talked to just get mild body aches, low-grade fever, achy throat (not sore), stuffy nose, and mild fatigue. The key component is the length of time you're sick with it. Some people had it for about a week, others for 6 weeks. The average is about 3 weeks. I'm finishing my first week and feel pretty good right now, but I can tell I'm not over it, yet. I still have some sinus and throat issues, but at least the fever is gone. Still, I'm not ready to start my workouts again. It's been a week and a half since I exercised and I feel like I'm turning into a blob! I will gut it out and try to give myself two more days of recovery, but I HAVE to attempt a workout by Saturday at the latest! Arrrrgggghhhh!
Hey catwoman - I am in Springfield, IL and we have been having the same thing here. I work in a building that houses about 600 people in 3 floors and it seems like people just keep spreading it around. The stomach flu - coming out both ends and then the head cold/body ache/sore throat is the other. It is horrible and this year it seems to be really bad for some reason. I think it may be because this winter we haven't a real long "cold spell" up until now so I don't think all the germs have had a chance to be killed by the cold. Hope you feel better soon!
It seems like that flu bug is one and the same here, but it's very discriminating on who it hits with what symptoms. One guy's son got the "both end" stuff REALLY BAD!!! When he came down with it a couple days later, he got everything EXCEPT the V&D (vomiting and diarrhea). I had what felt like SUPER bad indigestion the first day, and while I had some intestinal discomfort, I didn't get the V&D. I was nauseous, but never urpied up. But I ached, ran a low-grade fever, and just felt like ka-ka for 4-5 days, and now I just have an irritated throat and sinus problems. I still get an occasional pang of indigestion (once or twice a day), but it's nothing like that first day...and each day it is less discomforting.

Flu bugs are so weird in how they hit people.

Trivia: Did you know that "stomach flu" is not really flu? The flu shot you get is not for stomach flu. It is for "influenza" which is when you get the aches, fever, chest congestion, etc. Many stomach flu bugs are food-borne viruses/bacteria that are highly contagious. Learn something new every day. :)
I did not know that about the "stomach flu" - but that would explain why I still got the V&D thing even though I did get a flu shot this year... interesting!
If you have the flu, you would know it. I got it last year. If feels like you have been hit by a mack truck! It comes at you very suddenly, you develop a high fever, major body aches, runny nose, headache. You can't drink enough water and it's difficult to bring the fever down. Rarely do you ever get stomach symptoms. Most likely, what you have is a nasty virus. My DD's have the same thing. We're going on day six for the oldest one and tonight her fever finally broke.

You have my sympathy. Take it easy, and I hope you feel better soon!

You are exactly right. When you get the influenza, you KNOW it. And, feels like a Mack truck has hit you and left you for dead when you get it. The last time I had it, I was bed ridden for 4 days. I got up to take a shower, just so I'd feel like I was still in the land of the living (and the steam helped with the congestion), and then I'd climb right back into bed. Luckily, I don't get the true flu very often. Let's hope I didn't just jinx myself.

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