So, if there's a Road Trip this year....

Don't give it another thought ladies, most of us were newbies on the last trip, either to Cathe or to the RT itself---the biggest part of the fun is getting to meet so many new faces:)

And I don't remember any stampedes last time, but you should have heard us the first morning when Cedie walked into the studio, little bit of a deer in headlights on her part, but we were psyched:7

I would most definitely want to go again. I had so much fun last time. I would love to meet more of you. Last time I hadn't been around the boards very much, so this time it would be so great to meet people that I see here on the boards.

i would love to go. would all of you experienced ones make us newcomers feel welcome? i can bring a bottle of patrons (tequilla)

"I would love to go. would all of you experienced ones make us newcomers feel welcome? "

Are we really that intimidating?:) Old hand, newcomer, whatever, it really makes no difference. We're all in the same boat, not really knowing anyone "in real life". It's so much fun and the camaraderie is amazing.

And to whoever it was that asked, there was absolutely NO road trip rage. Quite the opposite. And the regulars at Cathe's gym just looked at us like we were strange because, believe it or not, a lot of them have NO IDEA who she is!!!!

nah, you arent intimidating. now the cat is another story....oh, i have to tell you, i absolutely love that face.

i am sure it was fun. i remember wanting to go at the time, but i didnt want to go alone. now, having been on the site, i would have no problem going.

After reading about the last road trip (I'm relatively new to Cathe), I'd probably pee myself if I got to go to one!!! I might die from exhaustion..but I'd die happy (and probably sweaty).

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