Not all people are aware of the earth's or human energy fields (or their own energy fields for that matter)... this is an awareness only known to people who are sensitive to it ... which is perhaps no more than 10% of the population (if it's even that many). If you are not one of these sensitive people, you naturally would have no knowledge or awareness of it. And yes, that is correct ... computers also emit rays that are toxic to energy fields.
WHO is debunking the myth about the dangers of microwaves and WHY are they debunking it? People who have a stake in the sale of microwaves? I guess that goes to show that people really DO need to do their research carefully .... conduct research into WHO is telling you something, and WHY they are telling you it ... this is actually a fundamental and simple caveat when considering any body of research. Always consider source and motive.
And "conspiracy theory" is quite a useful term ... it works wonders to discredit any of those who are on to something that no one wants people to know the truth about.
Animal Farm is a wonderful allegory for all of this. Perhaps, given superficial thinking, it is about communism, but a deeper, more philosphical approach reveals other meanings and truths.
Going back to "cup and string" communications would be nice, but even better would be going back to face to face communications ... you know, when people actually spent time with each other. As technology brings people together electronically, it pulls people apart personally. THe more technology advances, the more people are desensitized to real and personal and live interactions with other human beings ... perhaps the utmost threat to humanity.
Take this site for example (or any internet message board like this for that matter) ... a sad state of affairs for humanity. So why do I choose to experience this site, as well as several other special-interest internet message boards? Because reading threads like this further confirm my suppositions that the "average american" really does not have the information or opinions necessary, at this time, to put the breaks on the downward spiral of mankind and the environment. (but they will eventually) Not that I need confirmation of that overall/in genearl ... but rather, it more so highlights the magnitude/proliferation of all that the "average american" is unaware of, as well as the beliefs and attitudes that contribute to the 21st century decline. And since you asked, I actually just got a few month trial internet subscription (which when it expires, I shall return to my wonderful life without the internet), so that I could get a chance to witness all of this firsthand. Knowledge is power, and the more knowledge that can be gained from the "opposing side," the more wisdom that can be gained for the one who seeks to know more about the "opposers."
Also, while this discussion is about technology and the environment, it also can be applied to the political status of the world (i.e., wars, terrorism, government/corporate corruption, etc.)
But, rest assured that the world is not ultimately destined to go to hell in a handbasket.
Brighter days are ahead, and not too far ahead for that matter (about another 5 years). It's just that things have to get really bad before people wake up ... for even the most resistant people, the light will dawn, eventually ... and once people wake up on a mass scale, then things can get better ... much better in fact
Thank you for offering me a window into your thoughts, attitudes, and opinions. Best wishes to you all.