so, how many still have great personal girlfriends after age 50?

RE: so, how many still have great personal girlfriends ...

Hi there! Well, I am about to turn 50 this year, and this is a very sensitive subject. We moved constantly during our 20's, 30's and early 40's (this is my eleventh house, fifth state). This is torture on friendships. That said, I still have one best friend, even though she is 3,000 miles away. I have a couple of others that I can catch up with with just a phone call. Sadly, others seem to be gone for good, can't even send them a card at Christmas...

I do have some good friends here where I live, even if I do not have the history with them. That will grow, I hope. We've been here 8 years and it has only been in the last two or three that these friendships have grown. Sigh...

Children play a HUGE part in your ability to make and keep friends. Often, friendships grow out of common activities with your mutual children. Mostly, though, when you have teenagers, it is enough just to keep your own schedule on track, let alone find time to see friends.

With all our transitions, I have tried to treasure the special moments with people I may not know well. Like sharing moments on a bike ride or a hike (lots of opportunity for that here in northwest NC). My goal for my 50s is to appreciate where I have "landed." I have a quote on my computer at work that reads: "To have a good friend, be a good friend." It is so easy to get wrapped up in my own life, I hope to improve my friendship skills as I enter the next phase of my life (next year another graduates from college, one graduates from high school).

Yes, it's true! Just wait, it gets even better! My daughter (she is 31) & I have always been close but each year we get closer & closer. Then, just wait til she has her first baby! OH MY! Nothing like it! A very special hi-light is when they tell YOU thanks for what you did for them growing up! Sigh! We are blessed!
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I acutally have one girlfreind in particular that I've known ever sense my husband and I met and we've stayed close through marriages, new houses, and now new babies. It gets tough sometimes to get the time together, but it's always appriecated when we do.

I do agree though that before marriage had a much larger circle of friends and now I just have the time so I make time for my closest friends and that's all I can do.

What a mix of responses. Do you suppose there is a age related component to when you feel like you have time for your friends, and they have time for you. I have had some wonderful girlfriends, calling and confiding in me, Then, when they's like, "Where did they go!" I had a very nice friend when our daughters were in a pre-k class together, we did lots of things together and with our girls until they started school...then she got busy, and I went back to work a few more days a week. Now I get a Christmas card, and occasionally we get together, but its once every 2-3 years! I get discouraged. I can keep very busy, with work, my hobbies, and of course Cathe. I also have a lovely sister an hour away and son and daughter nearby, plus dh...Dianne (lidochick)name of my boat.

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