So excited about getting the new BB series!


Hello everyone,

After previewing the video clips plus reading everyone's great reviews about this series, I decided to order the BB series. I may not be in the best shape and I may be over 200 lbs, but the BB series sounds easier than both the Intensity and CTX series and if that's the case, I will not be intimidated to do these workouts. Plus, that peg-leg pivot looks like great fun. I even attempted to do the move on my step after previewing it, and I was surprised that it seemed easier to me than some people have said it was. This is wonderful, considering I used to be a choreography klutz!

Am I right in assuming that the BB series is mroe high-intermediate than advanced, and that it is easier than CTX and Intensity? Is the hi-lo sections in Step, Jump and Pump very difficult? I am particularly looking forward to Legs and Glutes because it is supposedly easier than Leaner Legs and I never even attempted LL because it looked positively impossible with all of those low-ends...evil I tell you....EVIL! }(
Sherry, you won't be disappointed! It's tough but is is so much fun! If you can do CTX and Intensity, you'll ace the BB's! I think I find CTX easier because it's so familiar to me. Step Blast is dazzling in how the cardio flows and flows quickly but it is beautifully designed and each move complements the next! Have a blast! I think evil is too nice a word for low ends! Bobbi
Good for you Sherry. I think you will LOVE this series. The premixes are fabulous! I believe these tapes can be quite challenging also if you incorporate some of the premixes or use heavier weights. I also think some of the exercises don't "feel" as challenging while I get used to doing weight work on the stability ball. The music is fun and I am currently following a rotation that uses mostly the BB premixes. I look forward to mixing these up with the Intensity series also. The options are endless and I think you will ENJOY the BB series greatly. I noticed this in only your 7th post so welcome!
Hello Sherry,

Have you thought about ordering MIS? That is a v. good weight workout that is suited to the beginner and advanced (you just increase the weights as you get stronger). There is little impact on your joints. I would also recommend the PUB & PLB from Intensity.

Cardio wise, you might want to try Cardio kick and some of Cathe's earlier step tapes.

Angela -

Have you figured out how you are going to mix BB with IS? I had a really tough transition going from BB to IS. THe first week I just lacked all motivation. SO I listened to my body and took a week off. I do this 3 or 4 times a years. I treated myself to another week on BB.

THis last week I did IS but again a very tough transition. I find this with S&H I want to do it forever.

ANyhow let me know how you incorporate IS into BB.

THanks in advance
Hey Robyn,
Check out the thread titled For Lori Sax in the Open Discussion. I posted a variation of the Look Great in 8 - big time variation as this is a very specific rotation regarding heart rate,cardio, and weights - anyway it incorporates the IS and a few others as well along with the BB series. Also, I will use Imax 2 more as I am going to give up running for a few weeks due to trouble with my left knee. Also, Jillybean posted BB/IS rotation ideas in the Rotations forum so check that out also.

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