Dear Leslie,
Seems like you've been going through some really rough times recently. I can't believe that you may have to get rid of your dogs. I'd be devastated too. Please, please, please don't take laxatives or ephedra. As a former bulimic, I know how comforting it can be to attain that empty feeling and just completely "cleanse." As you know, it is so so so unhealthy, mentally and physically, and I'd hate to see it become an addicting behavior. It sounds like you do it enough that it may already be. As for ephedra, I think it's even more unhealthy than laxatives. It is so easy to become addicted to that energy "high." I took it on and off for a while until I actually though it might literally be making me crazy. One day, I totally didn't feel like myself, like something was just so wrong in my head, very hard to describe, and very frighting. And of course, the back of thee bottle usually mentions psychosis, and to even think something of that nature could be beginning was enough to make me stop.
You seem like such a nice person, and I'd hate to see you develop even more problems from taking these things. Would you ever consider therapy just to get your feelings out there?
I hope you feel better.