<--^^^is for shellers since she has had to endure john denver, this old man, etc.
<--thinks tool will cheer her up immensely
<--fell asleep at 8:30 last night and slept like a ROCK!
<--is so uber-glad it's endofothefivedayweekfriedday
<--did bosu blast yesterday after work
<--is still trying to enable oal purchases of a bosu
<--also saw the sts post
<--will not be preordering or buying
<--does not want to buy a squat rack, more weights, etc. and feels <--already has enough weight w/o's
<--is also at the sheer number of dvds
<--will be purchasing b&b's STS
<--only needs to buy support hose
<--will be doing some kind of weight workout this morning
<--is thinking pyramids or slow and heavy since <--has already done gym styles twice (loves that w/o)
<--could do muscle max, but did it so much is a leetle bored with it
<--may also do an iClimb
<--has found a new love for iClimb
<--did it yesterday morning and enjoyed it
<--will have to spend time with keith until <--'s hip is 100% and can reunite with grace
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_21.gif reunited and it feels so good... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_21.gif (sorry shell) ;-)
<--thinks tool will cheer her up immensely
<--fell asleep at 8:30 last night and slept like a ROCK!
<--is so uber-glad it's endofothefivedayweekfriedday
<--did bosu blast yesterday after work
<--is still trying to enable oal purchases of a bosu
<--also saw the sts post
<--will not be preordering or buying
<--does not want to buy a squat rack, more weights, etc. and feels <--already has enough weight w/o's
<--is also at the sheer number of dvds
<--will be purchasing b&b's STS
<--only needs to buy support hose
<--will be doing some kind of weight workout this morning
<--is thinking pyramids or slow and heavy since <--has already done gym styles twice (loves that w/o)
<--could do muscle max, but did it so much is a leetle bored with it
<--may also do an iClimb
<--has found a new love for iClimb
<--did it yesterday morning and enjoyed it
<--will have to spend time with keith until <--'s hip is 100% and can reunite with grace
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_21.gif reunited and it feels so good... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_21.gif (sorry shell) ;-)