SNM: Music Louder Option on Hardcore?

Wendy G.

Will this be an option on the new Hardcore DVDs? I'm really hoping it is!! I searched the archives and didn't find a definitive answer!

Thanks and can't wait for the new workouts!:)
I hope we will have these options in the hardcore series. I use usually the music louder option in the body blast series.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Excellent question!

I hope this option is offered. It's so energizing. I love to crank the sound up when I have the house to myself!}(
I don't recall exactly where or when I read this, but I seem to recall that they stated in one of their updates that they have decided not to do this with this series.

that's correct. I emailed them and their reply was that they would not be including the music louder option. So, unless there's been a change of heart, I don't think we'll have that to look forward to. :-(
I'm just hoping the music is loud enough as-is. It seemed to me that on the Body Blast series (where there was a "music louder" option), the regular soundtrack had music that wasn't loud enough (for my tastes).
Darn! I hope that that's not the case! Why wouldn't it be included with these workouts? Does it take up a lot of space on a DVD? I hope SNM changed their minds and made it an option!

Please let us know for sure, Cathe and crew!!!!
:( I wanted the music options but we have to think that if we would have these options the waiting for the hardcore series would be longer and I can not wait to much time.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
You know I was just thinking the great thing about having the music louder option was after learning the program you could just pump it up and it made you kind of feel like you really were in a workout class. You know, and music really helps to motivate!!!
Exactly, Mic!

Once you get the routine down, it's nice to de-emphasize the instruction (as wonderful as it is!), pump the music up and ride that energy.

Drat! Oh well, I'm still looking forward to the series as much as ever. :7
I don't know guys. I want good loud music sure enough to get me moving but I also want to hear Cathe. I mean, she knows exactly what I'm thinking at the right times so her words of motivation really help me through. In Imax 2 when she says " I know you're tired but jump higher!" do you know how I just respond to that? I will jump higher since she asks that way. I love good music just like anyone else but I also want to hear her marvelous cues.

But as I'm closing this statement, I'm recalling HSTA. The music was terrible in that. Please just have good, motivating music half-way loud. I still need to hear your cues please but we can really get into the dancy aspects of the workout so it's a fine line.

Cathe, I don't think I'd want your job.


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