SNM LIS Premixes


Could you please post the list of premixes for LIS with a brief breakdown for each one? It would be nice to have this information in one place so we could print out a sheet for reference when choosing a workout.

Thank you,
Thanks for replying fox2star. I did see that post and I thought Leane did a good job :D. Thank you Leane!

The list posted is a little incomplete and I would find it helpful to have the breakdown for all the premixes. This information should be recorded somewhere in SNM's records.

If you can post this information I would appreciate it very much,
I'm really enjoying the new workouts :D. However, one of the things that make Cathe's DVDs more valuable than other DVDs are her premix options. I would like to suggest that the next series have an insert included which lists the breakdown(s) for the workout(s). I am making this suggestion because if you don't know what is in the workout than you can't plan on using it. I know we can all view the premixes and make notes, but that is very time consuming and many of us would rather use that time to workout. It is my understanding (and forgive me if I'm mistaken) that this information is especially helpful to the customers who ordered the downloads.

I would like to share this thread with people who are interested. I hope it will help while we wait for the premix information to be posted.

Team vf- help with cathe lis premixes please - Video Fitness Forum

Thank you for listening to my suggestion,

thank you so much for this link! you did an unvaluable job, thanks a million times again!
Thank you! I will be printing this out and keeping with my DVD's for reference. I've already done that with Leane's quick reference card. BOTH are so helpful!

Thank you Jordan for sharing this list of the premix breakdowns, especially for the Low Impact Challenge workout.


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