SNM Display modes


Merry Christmas...and I finally figured out how to change my forum viewing to the thread mode, which is my preference, however, it seems now that I don´t have the capabilities to "view last page", or go directly to "page 3", for example. And in the window that shows the thread, it doesn´t seem to show all the responses. Am I missing something??

And if I want to reply and not use "quick reply", I have to switch back to linear mode?
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Merry Christmas...and I finally figured out how to change my forum viewing to the thread mode, which is my preference, however, it seems now that I don´t have the capabilities to "view last page", or go directly to "page 3", for example. And in the window that shows the thread, it doesn´t seem to show all the responses. Am I missing something??

And if I want to reply and not use "quick reply", I have to switch back to linear mode?

I played around with this to see what this threaded/linear business was about. Here is what I discovered:
If you click on the thread(actually any thread), then on the second from the top light blue header-- on the far right, there is a pulldown menu called "Display Modes". There are 3 to choose from: Linear, Hybrid, or Threaded. If you choose Hybrid, you will get the Threaded you want along with the page numbers. The page numbers start to show up when there are a lot of posts/replies on the thread. I hope I explained it correctly! And, I hope this helps, too!:)

Also, the quick reply option is still there, too :)
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Thanks,Linda, plus I just noticed that there is another forum for questions like mine...I never scrolled down far enough :eek:

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