Snazzy Ladies January Check In Week of 2/13!


Good Evening Snazzy Ladies! ;)

Just wanted to get us going on the new week's thread.

Today's work out was 1/2 of 6w 6p w/o #2, sts disc 9 legs omitting conditioning drills and kcm 30 mins to fitness kickboxing kicking premix. :D

Tomorrow will likely be cardio and abs unless I feel extra strong in which case I made do Disc 7. Time will tell!

Colleen:: Glad you are back. Good job getting in whatever work outs you were able to. I just purchased the cable from apple for my ipod touch so I am all set to download work outs and take them with me to the casinos this coming weekend! I also just purchased the Intensity download since it was on sale! I feel some HiiT hi and lo coming on while I'm away! ;) So excited not to have to drag the portable dvd player or laptop around! :D

I'll be back in the morning!:)
Happy Valentines Day.


I was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night so I am beat. No work out for me this morning. My hams and buns are killing me from disc 9. I started feeling it last night. Knew it was gonna be bad! :eek:

Hope everyone is well. Terina should be back from Disney! Welcome back even though I know you didn't want to leave!

BBL or tmrw!
Wendy, sorry to hear about your wakefulness in the middle of the night. It is torture.
Right now I'm taking 5HTP (100 mg sometimes 200 mg) at bedtime along with extra B Vitamins/Calcium and Magnesium. I'm thinking of adding in some natural adrenal support and see how that goes for my sleep issues. What is working for you? I keep hearing it's my age and to get used to it. I say no way.
Today STS disk 8. I'm adding more weight than I did last year. I have done STS 3 times. After tearing my supraspunatus tendon 2 1/2 years ago I had to start all over rebuilding my body once I was given the ok. I started with almost no weight and built myself back up. I love STS. Tomorrow will be a Hiit cardio of some kind.
Welcome back Terina and Hi Gayle.
im back!

I was so excited for my workout today(monday evening):D Today I did CCC +300 lunges,I have to say when I 1st looked @ the Feb rotation I thought theres is NO WAY I CAN DO 300 LUNGES! But it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Wendy,hope you get a good nites sleep tonight,for me sometimes i'm not able to fall asleep and I gave up all caffine. My last nite @ disneyland I fell asleep @ 4am:eek: but then again I had a cup of non-caffinated coffee,but I really think the waitress made a mistake and gave me caffinated coffee because I was wide awake:eek:

Hi Colleen and Gayle!!!!!

I had such a good time on the trip,but I have to say being with my grandson today was just the BEST!
Good Morning.

Still in pain from disc 9 but I got sleep and banged out Cardio Kicks this morning. It really hurt to do those front kicks for about the first 20 minutes of the work out but after I got warmed up really good things loosened up and it got easier. Anyway, great work out! Kicks my butt! Definitely one for the "oldie but goody" category! :)

Colleen:: I still haven't gotten to walgreens to pick up melatonin. I need to do that. Great job doing STS 3 times. This is my 2nd attempt at it. First time around was last spring I want to say and I quit after 3 weeks because I was fat/bloated/exhausted and miserable. I worked hard w/mostly cardio and only 1 f/b weight work out (2 on rare occassions) every week to get my body back. It took me a good 2 months but it finally happened a few months ago. I am back giving it another shot and thanks to some changes I made, I am loving it and having none of the problems I had previously! YAY! :D

Terina:: Glad you had fun in DL! Awesome welcome back work out! That's killer! Good for you! Walking lunges are no joke. I used to do them a lot as extra leg work. I've gotten away from it. I will reconsider them now. Thanks for the inspiration! ;)
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Terina, there's no way I could do 300 walking lunges by themselves let alone CCC as well. Welcome back.
Wendy, I have disk 9 scheduled for tomorrow. I'll let you know if I can walk. I made time in my schedule for a long stretch afterwords.
How are you doing Gayle?
Hi there ladies!

today it was LBB,a little sore from yesterday,been taking Ibuprophen and its seems to have helped.

Colleen,the lunges weren't as bad when I started counting by tens which made it seem faster that way. :D

Wendy,what workout is cardio kicks? is that from Cathe
Good Morning!

This morning's work out will be Disc 7(2nd time). I have DOMS in my shoulders this morning from doing Cardio Kicks with weighted gloves on y'day and Disc 7 ofcourse includes shoulder work! :eek::D Perhaps I should opt for Disc 8 today instead? Hmmm....

Colleen:: Can't wait to hear if you get extra sore from Disc 9. Apparently I'm not the only one who did and I am STILL sore by the way! Gotta love it! ;)

Terina:: Yup yup! Cardio Kicks is an OOOOLD Cathe work out that comes on the same dvd as Circuit Max. It's an hour long and kicks azz! 1st half is choreographed combos. 2nd half is drills. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. :)

Well it's been a few days so it looks like I'm gonna hafta go POKE Gayle on FB again to get her back here. :D

Have a great day ladies!
50 lashes with a wet noodle for me, for not coming here more often. I warned you all that I'm a bad checker-inner. :D
OK....get caught up:

Sunday: 7.2 mile outdoor run w my group
Monday: STS Disc 12 Legs
Tuesday: STS Disc 10 Chest/Sh/Bics (am) and 1/2 mile swim (pm)
Wed'day: 6 mile tempo run, Core Max 3, STS Extended Stretch

I'm glad to see we're ALL here, am I correct or am I missing someone??? My older DS stayed home from school today. He woke up w a really sore throat and a headache...I made him pop some Advil and crawl back in bed. He's fine now (throat still hurts, but he admits he could have and SHOULD have gone to school). I called off too, and will admit how nice it was to be LAZY today.

NOTHING is on the calendar tonight, imagine that! :D
Welcome back Gayle! ;) Nice work outs! Yes I do believe that we are all present and accounted for.

So I didn't whimp out of Disc 7. I did it and I rocked it! I was even upping my weights in some of the shoulder work too! :D
quick check in today. i did KP&C premix 41minutes, had to do a quick one b4 hubby and grandbaby got home, so I put 110% into it. Im glad its done.

Welcome Back Gayle!!!
today was the dreaded disk 9. I can't do the drop down on the ball & pick up weights. So I just go down as far as I can and try to reach them, come back up and hold. I start to hear creaks in my knees so I stop going any lower than 90 degrees.
I just have to say thanks to you all for being here. The check in is helping me stay on track. Food isn't clean like I had wanted but I've lost the few extra holiday pounds I had put on.
Tomorrow some cardio and stretch.
Good Morning.

I just barely got over the DOMS from doing STS legs over the weekend and now I do believe I've just sealed my fate for ANOTHER 3 days of DOMS! I did Supreme 90's Leg work out. Only about 30 minutes but holy cow it packs a substantial punch!:eek: Follwed that up with 20 or so minutes of Step Blast. Cathe started doing the ponies in combo 2 and that's when I gave up. I had no more energy left! :p I didn't have to add on my own abs b/c they get worked at the beginning of S90 Legs and wow, it was a tough combo of exercises to boot!

Okay, off to pack the food for the day. BBL from work! :cool:
G'morning. I'm here EARLY so it doesn't slip my mind again! :D

Teri, please remind me how old your grandbaby is??? Great job on KP&C....which is your fave Cathe KB workout?

Colleen, 'dreaded disc 9', for some reason made me laugh. I gotta tell ya, disc 12 isn't a walk in the park so heads up for next week! :)

Wendy, 2 leg workouts in a week, hugh? Yeah....enjoy those DOMS! How is DS these days?

So, I was up early this morning for disc 11 Back/Tris, then did the band/floor work and LCD from LBB.....I wore my 10# weighted vest for the bar work. Ouch. I'm headed out with some of my group for an easy 5 miler tonight. I'll need to stretch my legs by then...those LBB segments, incredibly, leave me a bit wobbly. :D

Nice work out! Can't believe you made it here 2 days in a row! :eek:;):p
Yeup, I am a glutton for punishing the lower body these days. :eek: So when I'm cursing and crying about how I can't stand up sit down or walk around w/o pain, please remind me that I did it to myself! :rolleyes:
My DS is doing well. He'll be 6 in just a few short months! Where does time go!?!? :( He is in kindergarten after attending 2 years of full time pre-school and is doing fabulously! We couldn't be happier. He can be a handful at home but we do our best. He is going to be staying with my MIL and SIL this weekend while DH and I head to Atlantic City with my mom and her BF for the long weekend. We go there an average of every few months to blow off steam. It's a lot of fun and DS loves to spend weekends with my inlaws so it's a win-win. Everybody is happy. :)
Wendy, next time you head to Atlantic City, let me know. I'll come meet up with you for lunch or dinner. I don't play or gamble, but give me a good buffet line and I'm golden! :D
Wendy, next time you head to Atlantic City, let me know. I'll come meet up with you for lunch or dinner. I don't play or gamble, but give me a good buffet line and I'm golden! :D

You got yourself a deal! How much advance notice do you need? I am actually hoping to meet up with an old friend who lives down in that area for a drink or a meal this weekend. We've been trying to hook up for years and it just hasn't worked out!
How long will you be there? Right into Sunday???

This time we are going til Monday so we will be leaving Monday morning pretty early but we normally go fri night to Sunday yes. Were you thinking of this weekend or a future one? We usually have set dinner plans with my mom and her BF but lunch we should work out quite well.

Today's w/o was Disc 8 and a 2.5 min prone plank.

Started with the DOMS from S90 Legs last night! :eek: It's all in the glutes. ;)

Hope everyone is doing well!

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