Terina, Disk 35? Yea! You must feel so proud.:eek:
DS had a sailing accident and he has stitches in his chin and he has to have surgery for a fractured nose. :(
My dvd player broke last weekend. Just when I had gotten up at 5am to workout before leaving town. So no workouts for 3 days. :mad:
DH got me a new one and I love it. Workouts this week were: Total Body; premix 4DS cardio hi/low; and PUB. Plan to do a 60 min cardio today.
Wendy, you're on vacation right? I hope you're having a blast.:p
4daysplit LIS done. It was another day were it DID NOT look like I was going to workout.....=)

colleen-Hope everything goes great with the surgery,sending you big hugs!!!:D
Wendy is on vacation,she and her family went to disney world. Shes posted great pictures on FB. I think she maybe coming back this weekend.

Have a great weekend. BB tomorrow with last disc of STS :D
Hi ladies. We were supposed to be home yday but or flight was cancelled. Home tues night now. Driving. Will tk two days! Yikes!
drive safetly. im finishing up disc 36 today then looking foward to being trained by wendy the body rocker!!:D
Disk 36 !!! You did it! Congratulations Terina. :D I think Meso 3 is my favorite. Can Wendy train me to watch what I put in my mouth as well ? I'm packing on the pounds. Stress, scattered workouts, I know I must have a plan!
No workout yesterday. Today plan to do a Circuit.
Drive Very Safely Wendy.
DS surgery is tomorrow morning. He's been such a trooper.

i should of been finished about 3 weeks ago,but I've done all 36 dvds!!! I also ran maybe just over a mile tonight :D

Colleen- im with you on the eating thing,last week I weighed my self I was down to 126 today from all that crazy eating this pass weeked back to 130:mad: Sending you and you DS warm hugs for tomorrow...:)

wendy-Ditto to what colleen said!!! :)
a very late check in,its now 10:18pm. My workout was done very early this morning which i'm SO glad I did because when josyah left I was just looking forward to relaxing :D. I did MIC,I also did the step portion but was able to finish because I need to hit the shower before grandkids came(hubby is on trip). but I HAD an incredible workout!

Hi wendy and Colleen!

I have my 2 mile run scheduled for tomorrow :D
Good Morning.

Yesterday's work out was a tough one for my first day back but I did it and felt awesome when I was done!:D

Today's work out was even more killer!

100 reps of jump rope + 25 jumping jacks for a warm up then...

Tonique Mat Back Lying Segment (omitted ab work)
8/31 Body Rock Work Out
50 Push Ups
Abs/Stretch from Power Hour

BBIAB for personals!:cool:
Just got done with an early evening workout. i did Total Body Time Crunch from the Firm. It was ok I felt rushed thru out the workout. Trying to decided what to do for tomorrow morning.

Wendy-Is "Tonique Mat Back Lying Segment" from body rock? I may do her new one she just posted yesterday I think :confused:
I bet you're glad to be back home :)
Good Morning.

I am DOMS'ing in my legs and triceps today. :)

This morning's work out was the BR work out dated 6/28. It was crazy hard too for such a short one! WOW! That's all I had time for..and energy too, to be quite honest! :eek:

Terina:: Tonique is not related to BR. Here's the website for the dvds if you are interested in checking it out... Tonique Fitness . Go ahead and give that BR a shot! You can do it! :)

Hi Wendy, glad you made it back safely. I hope your trip wasn't a complete wash out with the Hurricane!
Terina - you're a STS Graduate!!! Congratulations!!
No workout yesterday. I just slept about 14 hours total.
My son's surgery went well. Thank goodness school doesn't start until next Tuesday. We're not ready.
This week only 3 workouts, a Cathe STS Circuit, cardio premix from Drill Max and MMA Fusion. I was just dragging. Today I plan to do Push Pull or Super Sets.
I'm starting Cathe's Sept. rotation on Tuesday.
Have a good weekend.
Its saturday afternoon and finally got the energy to workout (workout bug just bit me:eek:) I'll be back to check in with the 10 min workout from body Rody Rock :eek:

colleen,I'll be doing some of Cathe's sept rotation and also adding the body rock workouts too!!!:D

Hi Wendy!
workout b4 dinner

Colleen- Im glad to hear that your son's operation went well :D
does your son go to a private school? good job on your workouts!!! I think you did awesome and i'm pretty sure Wendy would say the same thing :D

Checkin in with Body Rocks 12minute workout with 10 minute jump rope(well no rope but the movements:eek:) and The Firms Yoga.

I also ordered the dvd with Power hour,Body Max and MIS. :D
I ended up doing High Reps instead of Push Pull yesterday and I'm glad I did. I like the music in HR and I ended up with a good workout.
My DS goes to school out of district and we have to provide our own transportation so that is one of my "jobs".
When life settles down later in Sept. I'm checking out the Body Rocks too.
Today rest and get the house hold ready for the new school year.

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