

Hey Everyone!

What do you usually eat for your snacks? I'm looking for new ideas so I don't get bored with eating the same ol' thing. All suggestions/ideas are welcome!!

Kali :)
Hi Kali:

during the day I snack all the time on:

-- fruit (banana, apple, orange, bowl of strawberries),
--chunks of cheese (cheddar type),
--baby carrots,
-- I make up fozen ice pops for the kids using juice drinks from the supermarket and nibble loads of those (low on calories, high on Vit C, satisfies my sweet tooth),
--and I love the little triangle cheeses "Vache qui rit", even though they are a teensy bit processsed, it's a comfort food from my childhood!
--Sometimes also, a couple of slices of Cinnammon/raisin bread toasted with olivio spread stuff.
--Often I make guacamole (avocado dip with natural yoghurt) and dip baby carrots and red pepper slices into it, it is fabulous and my husband and I fight over it. You can make it in less than 5 minutes.... Need a recipe?

Maybe these are exactly the snacks you are already bored with, if so, sorry! ;-)

Hi Clare,

I'm not Kali, but I'd love to have the dip recipe. I LOVE guacamole and red pepper and baby carrots. Tell me how to make it!

Then here we go:

Guacamole: (prep time: 5 mins)

--2 ripe avocadoes
--1 or 2 pieces of fresh garlic
--5 oz natural yoghurt or close enough
--some Lee & Perrins (i.e. Worcestershire sauce)
--2 small tomatoes
--salt and pepper to taste
--small slice of lemon

You can mash the avocadoes but if you have a hand blender this is much the easier thing. Cut avocadoes open, get rid of stone, scoop flesh out into bowl with spoon. Peel your garlic and slice/cut roughly, throw in the bowl. Add a dash or several dashes (I like lots) of Worcestershire sauce.

With hand blender blend all this together until very creamy. Takes hardly any time at all. I minute or less.

Add your natural yoghurt, stir in until blended.

Put small pan of water on to boil. Meanwhile, slice roughly across the the top and bottom of your tomatoes, just to pierce the skin. Put them in th boiling water and within about a minute the skins will lift off. Take them out, throw water, roughly chop tomatoes and throw in the avocado mix. Stir.

Add a little salt ad pepper to taste and a dash or quick squeeze of your lemon too for good luck. Check the taste and if you want more bite increase the Worcestershire sauce and/or garlic. If you want a cleaner taste, a dash more lemon juice, just a squeeze.

This is now ready so dip away and enjoy!

Will keep for couple of days in fridge with cover, but avocadoes may go brown after a while. My husband still eats it like that, but I prefer them fresher and green!

CLare :9
Hi Kali. I love celery with peanut butter. I actually just read that this is a great snack. I also love bananas with a little peanut butter and apples with some peanut butter as well....o-kay, I love peanut butter. I posted an idea a few days ago....rice cakes with chocolate on them. I posted rice cakes with carob, but carob is so expensive. I use milk chocolate morsals and melt them in the microwave. If you are only making a few, you wouldn't need the whole bag. Dip a rice cake in the melted chocolate or "paint" it on with a basting brush. Set on wax paper chocolate side up and let it set...very yummy. I also love toast guessed it...peanut butter and some honey. A grapefruit with a little brown sugar. A "baked" apple done in the microwave with some brown sugar and a bit of butter. Some no sugar added hot chocolate with a few gram crackers. I quit eating those exercise/protein bars. To darn expensive. I started eating Nature Valley granola bars with you guessed it...peanut butter spread on top. Peanut butter is a great way to get some protein. A banana with a glass of chocolate soy milk. If you haven't had chocolate soy milk yet, you have got to try Sun Soy. It is so unbelievably yummy. You would swear it was real chocolate milk. A hard boiled probably already thought of that. I love that Kashi Crunch cereal. It is so awesome. I use vanilla soy milk on it and a tad bit of Equal. It is very filling. That's all I can think of that I have from time to time. Hope this helped.

YUMMY! Those snacks sound good! :9 I've been in a rut with food recently so these ideas will help!! Thanks Kim and Clare!

kali :)
I make my guacomole dip with avocados and fresh tomatoes, a spoonful or two of salsa, a splash of lemon juice and lots of cumin (yummy)!

I do everything to taste based on how many avocados I have to start with.

Susan G.

P.S. I also am addicted to the Quaker Oats rice cakes that are chocolate chip flavored. They come in a cylindrical blue bag. Each cake is 1 point each.
How 'bout sunflower and pumpkin seeds? I particularly like "Pumpkorn" pumpkin seeds that come in several different flavors. Good low carb snack.

I like baby carrots with bean filling-dip. "Burritos" made with the same bean-filling and lettuce leaves instead of tortillas. Whole grain graham crackers with low-fat cream cheese. Has anyone tried those new tiny "rice cakes" made with puffed soy beans? I like them.
Carrots with Almond butter are my new fave - the organic kind - you can really taste the difference!

Almond butter has some great health bonuses over peanut butter, consider switching! It's really tasty. (there's also 'soy' butter!)

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