Smilie faces


Boy is this going to sound D U M B E! LOL
But how do you transfer the Smilie faces from their website to post them here?

I saw on Anna's thread where to get some of the smilies but I don't know how to make them work. I think they are so cute.

Thank you for your patience and help. :D

Let's see if I can explain it properly. When you want to add a smiley, you open the smilies page separately from the forum page. My favorite smilis page is...

Then copy the entire "url" that is under the smilie you like. Highlight it, hit control and c at the same time. Come back to the forum and then hit control v at the same time.

Came back to say--Then hit preview to make sure it worked. Don't hit post like I just did. LOL

Hope that wasn't too basic for you. I wanted to make sure you got it right.
Hi Deborah,
As you can see, I went to the signature box. Now I have these silly smilies all over this thread. LOL
Thank you for all your help with the smilies. I couldn't have done it without you.

Anna I love your guy jumping the rope too. :D
Deborah - Thank you so much for posting that link!!! I have been trying to get smilies on my signature forever and couldn't open them but somehow it worked this time!!!! I saved this website in my favorites!!!

I saw one of the ya yas with this in her signature and I thought it was too cute so I just had to put it in mine.

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