<--- Smile and wave

<---is alerted back to thread by a five alarm fire
<---wildly screams out for help
<---screams Bobbi! Bobbi! Are you alright!?
<---puts out the fire and inserts new fuse
<---promises not to tell anyone where the on/off switch is located
<---wonders where everyone is?
<---thinks this thread is mighty short today
<---is really off to the shower now
<---will have Turkey noodle soup for dinner
<---edits to say hello to Rogue and invites her for coffee with Tammy and Wendy and <---

<---is so glad to be in the company of fellow coffee lovers:9
<---hopes Bobbi is okay
<---thinks it must have been that richochet off her chair, the triple steps out of the dining room, and the back flips into the laundry room to double rinse her load of whites with bleach
<---tells Rogue there is coffee, cookies, donuts & Lindt chocolates at <--'s house
<---is impervious to the allure of sweets...NOT!!!!!!x(
<--- waves happily and raises coffee cup with Tammy and Michele.
<--- is totally and completely PERVIOUS to the allure of sweets!
<--- is running like <---'s hair is on fire to Tammy's for all those goodies!:p }( :9
<---tells Rogue <--- will leave the lights on
<---hopes there will be some goodies left:9 :9
<---has a houseful of teenaged boys with MONSTROUS appetites:eek:
<---waves to all
<---suggests everyone find Tammy's house - GOODIES
<---says Bobbi's unproductivity spurting confused me
<---thinks she's been confused all day
<---says ignore that thread, stay here with goofy poopie pee pee head women
<---thinks maybe those adjectives and women aren't normally seen in same phrase
<---waves out
<---thanks Michele for extinguishing fire and inserting new fuse
<---thanks Tammy for her concern
<---discovers she is a self-regenerating cyborg
<---agrees with Melody the unproductivity is disconcerting, the confusion quite normal
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<---is going to Tammy's house for coffee and Lindt chocolates!:9 }( :9
<---thinks Lindt truffles are da bomb and therefore never buys them!:-(
<---is sipping final cup of coffee (decaf) before hitting the sack.
<---thanks Michele for the vote of confidence.
<---hopes the newest controversial thread dies a fast and painless death!
<---hates to see the happiness that is Cathe-land disrupted!;(
<---bids all a wonderful rest of thier evening and great night's sleep!:+
<---just jumps in to say <---was speaking of her own confusion, not Bobbi's
<---also says but, hey, if the shoe fits....
<---says alot of shoes fit her;-)
<---thinks I maybe should go to bed but someone posted that darn "fun game" thing
<---will see ya.
<---laughs out loud at the confusion over Melody's confusion
<---concedes the shoe indeed fits but that's a boon
<---blurts she has not been so content or happy in a long time and it's about time and feels so good!
<---thanks all of you wonderful women because you are a great part of that and your humor and wit and kindness and energy inspire me
<---bids you all good night and sweet dreams http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/liebe/love-smiley-020.gif
<---apologizes for getting sap all over the place but 'tis true
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<---thanks Bobby for the optimism
<---thinks we need more Bobbi-ism around here
<---says g'nite y'all

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