Slow & Heavy SHOULDERS question??? (form)


I just received my S&H DVD today in the mail! Of course, I had to give it a go tonite! I did the legs okay but have a HUGE question about the shoulders!!

I am REALLY trying to increase some size in my shoulders, because I have a much smaller waist and when my shoulders are larger, I look better proportioned. Anyway, I don't know if I did the shoulder work correctly and THAT was my major reason for doing the first segment.

For the posterior delts, when you lean forward, flat back and pull your shoulders back, then you lift the dumbbells slowly up 6 counts and then back 2 counts, keeping in the working range of motion. With me? Okay....

Well, I feel like that really worked my TRICEPS!! I concentrated very hard on the posterior delts and also the front of the shoulders, trying to contract these muscles but really I feel a lot of the burn in my triceps! Am I alone on this one, or is this something that will come with time???? I didn't really feel like I got a good shoulder workout.

I know that tomorrow I probably will be VERY sore and that is a good thing!!!:+

Does anyone have any input they can share with me on this exercise. I really felt that the shoulder section would feel like ....well, like more shoulder work.

THEN, again, maybe I am just used to working the shoulders and triceps with the PS series??? Could that be the case?
Hmmm...are you twisting your arms so that the triceps are up? Maybe you should focus on bringing your shoulderblades together instead of just your arms up.

Also, ar eyour weights too heavy? Shoulders are delicate and maybe you should lighten up.
You know Jackie, I have the same problem! I tried and tried to check my form over and over again, but still felt it. I tried it with 5lbs weights and still felt it in my tri...

Do you happen to have S&H chest and back? There is a similar exercise where you have the same form, bent over back straight shoulders back arms bent and you pull your weights up close to your thighs. I felt this in my tris as well.

I have the same problem! I've checked my form in the mirror to make sure I'm doing them correctly. Sometimes, I substitute rear delt flyes. For flyes, I can't work as slowly on each rep, of course.

I'm interested to hear other opinions.

This move brings in the triceps, since one of the functions of the triceps is to help lift your arm straight behind you. I substitute a regular rear flye for this very reason.

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