[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-01 AT 08:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi donnam, I just recently completed a four week S&H rotation, so I can tell you of my experience. I am a heavy weight junkie, so the S&H series was a must have for me.
I have gained muscle mass, and it's quite obvious, the only problem being that my diet is way less than clean these days, so I'm not "cut". If I didn't have the layer of body fat that I do, I would certainly look buff! I slacked on my cardio during this rotation, so that made a big difference too. Cathe has posted that it's perfectly allright to break up this series into one muscle group per day (just make sure that you get the proper warm-up and stretch), and I think that next time I may do just that and concentrate on getting an equal amount of cardio.
I started with pretty heavy weights, so I don't know how much strength that I gained. I did increase the weight a bit during the rotation, so I must have made some gains. My goal was to lift as heavy as I possibly could while maintaining perfect form.
You'll have to "tweak" your weights around to see what works for you, but you would be wise to "underestimate" your poundages to be on the safe side. I have noticed that the sit-and-stand squats in PS are not nearly the drudgery that they were before S&H. I did PH the other day also, and was able to increase my weight a bit (although it nearly killed me)!
I really love the S&H series and will get a lot of use out of it. I'm sure that you'll be happy with the series too. Keep us posted!