Slow and Heavy Question


Based on how Cathe puts them in the rotations she devises for us, either way works. Personally, if I have the time, I like to do the whole series in three consecutive days (Tues-Thurs, for example), then finish off the week with one total body workout, perhaps with an endurance focus (eg., Muscle Endurance on Saturday).

If you do one workout, do a second one the following day ONLY IF you are not feeling too sore from the the first one. If you are really sore, take a day between. Many of the moves incorporate muscles from the other body parts, so sometimes a day between would be warranted.

They are a great series. Enjoy!
Hi Dawn, I do these in between days. Usally I do chest and back on Monday, Shoulders and legs on Wednesday but a different type of legs like L&G and then on Friday is bi and tri. I don't know if you should do this in a row or not I know I couldn't just because it takes so much concertrating and engery that the next day I am sore and couldn't think about doing weights IMO. HTH
I usually try to turn it into a two day split by doing, for example, bis, tris, back and abs at home in the morning, and then doing chest & shoulders during lunch at the gym. Then I'll do a day of cardio. Then I'll do legs & shldrs at home and the other body parts at the gym. That leaves me time on the weekend to do a full body endurance workout (in addition to another couple of days of cardio).
I usually do a cardio day in between each of these.

I usually do a cardio in between these also. However, I have done them on consecutive days with no real problem. I was pretty sore though.

I do this like Sandra does, 3 days in a row (adding cardio in also) and then a full cardio day, a total body day, and then another cardio day.


I find I do the best with this series if I put a day of cardio in between each workout if I am doing the entire video. Or, just do one bodypart (1/2 of the workout) per day.

The only thing I would suggest is to try and separate the chest/back workout with at least 48 hours of rest from the shoulder workout. You use alot of the same upper body muscles and I think its better to have some recovery time in there for maximum gains and to avoid overuse injuries.

Take care, Lynn M.
My question about the Slow and Heavy series is should I do this series if the look Cathe has is what my ultimate goal is? Low bodyfat, high muscularity.

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