Slow and heavy or Gym Style?


I hear you and that's fine.

However,my message was to the poster who, in these difficult economic times, may need to avoid unnecessary expenditure. If you have STS, you don't need GS or S&H. Need is different from wanting and desiring. No 2 Cathe cardios are the same. I love Step Blast and appreciate the fact that it is so dissimilar to RS. However, I do not think the same can be said of Cathe's weight training. Looking at MIS from all those years ago, we can see more or less the same exercises on GS and S&H. Yes, the band work adds a different flavour and sometimes the rep counts and speeds are different, but it is still your basic squats, lunges, barbell curls, push ups, etc.

What would be more useful to most of us is in fact having STS and then weight training by a different instructor or by a different method. Then, you are more likely to see different moves, particularly where "functional fitness" moves may be included and also compound moves, which Cathe does not do a lot of but which are time efficient and which increase the calorie burn during the workout. Not to mention, kettlebell training which works the muscles differently again.

Regardless, the original poster is entitled to hear a viewpoint which differs from the majority, whether you respectfully disagree with me or not.


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