slimming the thigh area



I do cardio 6 times a week and weights 2 times a week and still cant seem to slim my thigh area. I'm 5ft tall weigh about 106. My legs are thick and musculor, I even cut down my calories down to 1200 calories and literraly give it my all when Im doing cardio and weights. Any ideas out there to trim the tigh area?

You can try freestyle training. If you search it on the forums you should find a lot of info. I did it for a while at one time and it worked. Be warned can be very time consuming....
I have found that running really helps out. the other thing to keep in mind is that there is only so much you can do. You mentioned that you have muscular legs, so you may never have the exact look you want
keep in mind is that there is only so much you can do. You mentioned that you have muscular legs, so you may never have the exact look you want

Good point! Genetics plays a big role in this. I have "thick", muscular legs as well. Although I can slim them down a bit (as I did with FS training), I will never have the kind of legs I WANT. It's just not possible for me....I have learned to accept it though I admit it still bugs me at times!
At the rate you are working out, I would not go to 1200 calories, you might get hit with fatigue and not have the oomph to push yourself as hard.

I have lots of muscle mass, it's in my family genes, as well, but I have found that doing heavy weights for legs helps lean them out for me. They will never be as skinny as some others but they are nicely sculpted, not bulky. But I know other people have seen great results with lighter weights, so I guess you'll have to experiment (give it at least two months with the heavy weights high reps, because at first my legs did get buff and then leaned out as they got used to the new weight.

I would recommend to eat 1600 or so calories, even though you are on the petite side, too much of a calorie deficit will tell your body to hold on to fat. Slow and steady wins the race.

I hope this helps!
I have the same problem and hired a personal trainer a while ago. I had been training so called heavy never got my legs to lean out, but when I worked out with him he had me lifting what I thought was puney weights. What did it for me was walking lunges holding 10lbs weights and kickboxing.
My legs are by far the toughest area for me to lean out. Part of it is simply the genetic shape/composition of my legs. I could never have very thin or even very shapely legs -- just wasn't born with those! However, they looked by far the best and leanest when I was working with a personal trainer who had me lift HEAVY legs for an hour 1/week. I dreaded those workouts because they were SO hard, but the results were great. I don't use a trainer anymore, and although Cathe keeps me fit, I'll never have quite the legs as I did then, because I simply won't squat 140 lbs. and such (UGG -- it hurt!) unless I am paying a trainer to "make me" do it.

I also used to run a lot in addition to heavy leg training, which probably helped with the results. (I still run, buy my knees won't tolerate daily running anymore!)

Good luck to you, although I bet you look great without the luck!

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I do cardio 6 times a week and weights 2 times a week and still cant seem to slim my thigh area. I'm 5ft tall weigh about 106. My legs are thick and musculor, I even cut down my calories down to 1200 calories and literraly give it my all when Im doing cardio and weights. Any ideas out there to trim the tigh area?


Oh my. I'm 5ft and could only wish to weigh under 110. Truth be told I don't really even know how much I weigh. I don't believe in scales I think that they have the tendancy to make me a little more on the obsessive side when it comes to my fitness goals. I used to have eating disorder. I also don't count calories for the same reason. I eat slow, never standing, chew my food slowly and have taught myself to stop eating right when my body feel full. I make sure my workouts change and most importantly that I'm having fun so I don't get bored and give up. My legs are also pretty muscular too, . .heck I've got man calves, . . but you know what I love em. I've pretty much leaned them out through clean eating and running 15-20 miles a week. Running has done wonders for my weight loss and cardio vascular health. I wear a size 2-4 depending on brand. What has also done wonders is a recovery week. Honestly, I sorta come to appreciate my genetic limitations. I mean I know I'll never be a Maggie Diubaldo or a Cathe for that matter. Working out is not my career but living a healthy lifestyle and setting that example for my kids is my job and if I'm buring a few calories and having fun while I do it, . . heck I'm game.
You aren't eating enough and when that happens your body goes into starvation mode, hanging onto EVERYTHING you're killing yourself trying to get rid of.

When it comes to workouts you can see from this small sampling of responses that what works for one woman is the exact opposite of what works for another. My advice for now would be to stop counting calories and just focus on really cleaning up your diet. Getting 4-6oz. of LEAN protein every 2.5 - 3 hours, with double servings of vegetables at every meal (including breakfast!) and eating other carbs only after my workouts (EARN them) finally did it for me. Any weight trainer will tell you diet represents the lion's share of the physique equation so fix that first. By the end of 30 days you're almost guaranteed to see significant body composition changes. You want to first find out how much your diet matters. Once you can see and feel the dietary difference start tweaking your workouts. You want to get to the point where you know what works for the result(s) you're trying to achieve because everyone's different.

People talk about genetics (especially when people are talking about calf size and shape which is largely genetically pre-destined) but the physique pie is actually something along these lines, give or take:

80% diet
10% workout
10% genetics

I've slimmed way down everywhere and I was thrilled when MY thighs finally started to slim down. But my calf fat is taking forever to melt. It's happening. It's just happening at about 1/100th the speed of my waistline. This is one of those things you just can't hurry. So be patient.

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