Slide Boards


Active Member
Hi, Cathe (and everyone else). I was wondering if you've ever worked out on a slide board. Do you recommend them for cardio?
do u meen a long rectangular board that u slide back and forth on? i used one in a class at the Y. it works the legs hard and you get a good sweat. you also need to have good balace which is why i stopped taking the class.

I used to have one (I tried several in fact). They could provide a good workout, but I could never find one that didn't shift when I used it. And it got pretty boring after a while.

A similar technique, but cheaper and more versatile, is Gliding discs ( or and maybe cheaper at ), which are like small frisbees that you step on and use to slide back and forth. You can do the same moves as with a slide board (going back and forth), but also move in all direction, like do lunges with the gliding foot going to the side, or back or forward, or alternating. They also pack up well for travel.
I'm not Cathe obviously, but I thought I'd say that
I have a slide board which is a heavier weighted down one from the Power Systems catalog. I use it a lot. I was told to use it post a hip/ITB injury by a PT and it was a worthwhile purchase. But I use it in shorter bits, e.g. for 10-20" before doing other cardio. I use it about 3x a week.

It's nice to have amongst other options, but even though I like it a lot, I wouldn't be able to do it for 30-40 min. straight. You can do interval type stuff on it, though and it works leg muscles in a good way for me.

I'm curious to hear what Cathe thinks, though.

Barb:) :) :)

I bought this slide board about six months ago and I love it! Like Kathryn said all the other ones I tried would slide around and I could not use them on carpeting. This one is perfect for carpeting and it does not move around.

Plus it stays slippery bu using this armor type spray that comes with it. I use mine for about 30 minutes. Yes, it can get boring, but I do use the Cardio Coach with mine and I seat buckets and I also get a good cardio workout in that 30 minutes.

I just do the things I use to years ago in the slide classes. But I must say it is pricey - I wish they had some workouts on DVD to go with it though!

Great to hear you like this slide board, too. I can see doing 30 minutes at one time (sometimes I do 15 min before a run and 10 min. after). It is really a good cross training tool for me.

Agree with you that it's pricey, but it's sturdy and the armourall spray (at the PT facility they used Pledge!) it keeps it working well.

Barb:) :)

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