

Can you believe this. My sister today who lives about 40 min away and who I see about twice a month came over today. So i had my workout clothes on from finishing working out. After a two hour visit which was great. You know sister stuff. She calls me up to tell me that SHE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT I AM TRYING TO ACHIEVE WITH MY BODY. I said what do you mean. She said well you use to look toned and fit and now you look big and bulky. WHAT!!!!!!!! I have been working out extremely hard these past two month to increase my definition and was so proud of myself until she hit me with that like a ton of bricks. Then she goes on to say my shoulders are to broad and my legs are huge. So as I am talking to her I get out the measuring tape and measure them a size 22 Now that's not big. Here I was completely happy and proud of myself one day and in a matter of one phone call am completely annoyed. Now I love my sister but we were both raised the same with the motto If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Oh how could I forget!! I am finally showing definition in my abs after three kids and she said my stomach was concave and disgusting. How you like that. Anyway my mom is not home and my husband is at work. So I thought I would just vent to all of you. Sisters LOVe them and Hate them. I'm just happy we don't live together anymore. i hope to hell she had pms because if she can treat her own sister like that imagine what she would do to a strange.thanks for letting me vent. I think I'll go pump some iron and call her to tell her what I'm doing HA HA Karen
Sounds like shes just jealous and trying to make herself feel better. Don't worry about it. Sounds like you are doing great and have every right to feel proud of yourself.

You know , now that I think about where the heck is the guy who said the girl should be a body builder and compete. I read that the other day and that was a lovely compliment. I have to have him meet my sister. Karen
Your sister sounds out-of-control jealous. You gotta love that sibling rivalry, especially when you're obviously winning }(
Yup, you sure have made her jealous!!! Girl, you must have a body to die for! Nothing for you to be ashamed or angry about.

It's all her problem, not yours so you just keep on and we're right here with you, understanding you and your drive to better yourself all the way.

Clare ;-)
You're not working out for her, you're working out for you;-) Her comment is just dripping with jealousy and envy.

Don't let her get you down, you're obviously working hard--be PROUD:7
Thanks to all who made me feel better. Sometimes it is nice to get encouagement from people who you may not know but can share your feelings. It just amazes me that she knows how hard I worked to get to what I am now that she would have the gull to make any kind of remark. People work so hard at trying to get healthy and fit. Who is she to decide what that is for me or anyone. She said that she looks like the girls from the firm (fit and toned) and that I look like the wrestler China. Now I know I do not have any picture to show you but trust me I am far far from her. i just want to have the shape of more say Cathe's. Not her but me with that tone and definition. I mean i started this journey at 254 lbs. Size 22. Now 140 and size 4-6. I want to be me. She knows how hard it was for me to lose all that weight and do it the hard way. I was just in such a happy place as far as pushing myself. Then the evil sister came and you feel like the baby sister all over again. Trust me she is 40 and I'm 32. and she can still push my buttons. By the way i have two other sisters to. Thanks for all the encouragement and for letting me vent some more. i still love her but let me tell you i am going to tell my mommy on her. Just kidding ( i couldn't resist). Karen God has blessed me with three girls and this is a good lesson from which to help me teach my girls.!!!!!!!!!! Ok Just talked to all of you, my husband and my mom. I am officially over it. Got to love your mom when you need a shoulder. And it's nice to have a great husband and kids. (friends like you guys too) Now I'm done. Karen
Just have to throw in my .02 here. A lot of people don't like women with a lot of muscle because of outdated notions of what is and is not feminine. My SO thinks Cathe is too buff. I think she looks incredible. It used to be female bodybuilders were looked at as freaks, now some people will just say they look like they work out too much. Maybe in a few years, muscle will be seen as beautiful instead of masculine.

One promising thing: have you notice some female mannequins are starting to look like they have a bit of muscle tone in the shoulder area? Lets hope this is the beginning of a trend.

Muscle is beautiful. Be proud of your accomplishments in the face of adversity. You worked so hard for it.
That wasn't very nice.My sister would never say anything like that to me and I wouldn't dare say it to her.She can hold a grundge like you wouldn't beleive.When we were growing up and she would make me mad, I would just call her fat(which she wasn;t) and she wouldn't talk to me for DAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
I have friend who is more along the same lines as your sister.She would say something like that and not see anything wrong with it.You could look at it one way.Atelast she isn't saying things behind your back!
I second, third and fourth all the emotions expressed so far. Your sister is jealous, and/or h***-bent on criticizing you for whatever. How sad that at this time of women's empowerment, sisters are often womens' worst enemies in the support department.

OP, you just keep on doing whatcha do. As an earlier poster said, you work out for YOU, not for anyone else. No one has the right to tell you how you should look. And, just in passing . . .



And don't hold your breath waiting for your sister to develop, like, emotional maturity. If it ain't here by now it ain't comin'.

Don't let it get to you. Just smile and make sure you give her a saucer of milk the next time she comes to visit.
Wow. gotta love sisters just like you said. I was actually willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and that she didn't say it out of jealousy, but just that she doesn't prefer the muscular look. Well, can't do that now. That she would say something like that after you worked so hard to lose so much weight!

As an aside..I love the way Cathe looks, just like everyone here does. I had my aunt visit me from across country last year, and we went to my gym together and worked out. Flipping through the channels, Cathe was on FitTv and of course I blabbed all about her, pulled out my tapes and showed her some stuff. Well, my aunt.....who worked out, bench pressing 135 lbs (over 50 years old!)....told me she thought Cathe's legs were too muscular and she didn't want that look! I said I sure did! My legs are going to big anyway, so I'll take the muscle over the fat, thank you very much!

So maybe your sister doesn't like the muscular look either, but there was NO CALL to insult you when you are happy with your body. But maybe she just feels soft and doughy looking at you, eh???
Yup! Lunacat is right. When I met my DH he thought my chiseled legs were "too big". Yes, they were more muscular than his slim legs, so I started feeling like maybe I needed to lay off the weights & train with cardio all the time to achieve a slim look. BIG MISTAKE! My body is not meant to be that way. I look healthier & more beautiful when I don't try to suppress my muscle tone.

Yes, he is still old-fashion about feminine physiques, but he has been with me for 8 years now, and always indulges me & encourages me with my workouts. Muscular legs and all.

So long story short. You know what your goals are and don't let anyone detract from that.

Just wanted to say you girls are great and I love all of you. Tonight i am not going to go to sleep thinking about what she said to hurt me I'm going to go to sleep and plan my next workout rotation. While I'm talking, just wanted to throw in an extra thanks to lunacat for the compendium and you too aquajock for the mish moshes.Maybe I'll email my sister some of the hi-lo hell and the nosebleeds just to piss her off. I think I got my fighting spirit back Thanks Ladies!!!!!!Karen
Sisters are great, aren't they? I have 3 of them. You rock for all the weight you've lost and the incredible shape you're in. Way to go!!! It hurts when someone we care about says something negative about us. It does sound like your success has hit a nerve with her. Think maybe she said that to make herself feel better. Glad you're over it now. It just helps to vent, doesn't it?

My DH has seen Cathe on my DVD's and doesn't think she is too muscled. He encourages me to get stronger now so I can lift bigger pieces this summer when we go firewood cutting. Think he has an alterior motive...

WAY TO GO!!! :7

I forgot to give you props like Netta did. YOU have had a MAGNIFICENT body change! You have put in some major work & you deserve some MAJOR credit. Good luck to you, Love!

Families Ah? the only people you cant pick to be with .......but someone has to love them

Yep! Sounds like pure green jealousy to me that you look wayyyyyy better than your sister, OR even envy, because you have/had the GUTS and DETERMINATION to have followed through with your goals.

I say "keep the boat rockin, while your goals are a knockin" sister!

(ok! Not one of my better lines, but hey!.........)


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Your Sister is sooo jealous . Oh My gosh I'm soooo proud of you , 254 down to 140 !!! Oh my gosh that is so great . keep up the good work ... sabatogers come in all fourms !!!!even someone we love .... x( .Keep loving yourself !!:) :)

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