Simple, low cost, reliable pedometer


Can anyone recommend a pedometer within the $30.00 and under price range? I am looking for something reliable and easy to use (so I am not interested in Fitbit type gadgets).
Gracias! :)
Well... if you had an iPhone you could get a highly rated pedometer app for under $2. It even made Oprah's "O" list! :p

Hey, I posted something on my wall for you. :D
I just bought a MIO heartrate monitor watch at BJ's for $50 and it came with a free MIO pedometer. Maybe you should take a peek at the MIO website. They seem pretty good and reasonably priced.

And- the heartrate monitor doesn't need a chest strap which i love!
I am just looking to track the number of steps in a day. I did have a cheapo $3.00 model that was useless. I have read decent reviews on the Omron.
I have also read good reviews on the Omron pedometers. I was thinking about getting the one mentioned above.

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