Significant Weight Loss w/Cathe


Just curious (maybe a poll?), but I was wondering how many of you started out with significant weight to lose, and how you incorporated Cathe into your program, and the results that you got.

I love Cathe, and have MOST (not all) of her workouts, and though I do modify with the ones that I use cardio-wise, there are some that I have but have never done because I'm scared!! lol. I started WW last week and I need to really get on the workout wagon with this as well. (I have about 60#s to lose).

I would love to hear how everybody did it.

I joined Weight Watchers online and lost a total of 23 pounds which is what I wanted to lose. I found Cathe in February and credit the last stubborn 3 to 5 pounds of weight loss to the intensity of her workouts. I also found that I could eat more, because they are so intense. Her workouts are wonderful as I'm sure you know. I find Weight Watchers to be a wonderful program that can be used for life. In the beginning WW is tedius and a lot of work, but it is so worth it. The journaling REALLY helped me see how much junk I was eating on a daily basis. I have gotten to a point now where I know point values for a lot of foods and correct portion sizes so that I do not journal now. If I start to gain, I will journal again to see where I am going wrong. So far, I am maintaining. I wish you the best of luck and think that you will see amazing results with WW and Cathe workouts! Have a great weekend!:7
P.S. I know there is a check in that was started somewhere for people on WW and doing home workouts, but I don't know where it is at. You might want to check
Hi Kim,

I started using Cathe when I still had 200lbs to lose so 60lbs will be a breeze! Clearly modification was my motto at 350lbs, but Cathe's workouts literally melted the fat. The intensity was still so high even with the modifications that her cardio was melting the pounds consistently. I also incorporated her weight work, so I'm sure it was a combination of the two, but don't let a few pounds make you afraid, as long as you modify to make it do-able for you, you can do it. But, don't be afraid to push yourself, you'll be surprised how much your body can endure. :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I lost 19 pounds with Cathe and WW 2 years ago, and I love both. I'm able to eat quite a lot because of the workouts and stay at my goal. You found a good combo! Kath
Kim: I think you are in the right place for weight loss and lifetime maintenance! I have lost 67 pounds so far, with 60 to go. (I'll be honest and tell you that I was down 100 pounds but then I stopped exercising with Cathe for 6 months...) I have found enormous inspiration and support from Cathe's exercises and from this community on Cathe's forum! Please feel free to join us in the WeightLoss check-in on Mondays on the Open Discussion if you are interested.

Hi Donna,

You are, of course, absolutely right about Cathe's wonderful workouts & their positive effect on our health & bodies!

Don't forget, though, who had the strength of character to make a very difficult decision & stayed committed through good times & bad. (I assume there had to be bad times...aren't there always?) I have admired you greatly & taken a good bit of comfort and inspiration from your ultimate success.

Pat yourself on the back, you deserve it! ;)
Thanks for answering my questions about weightloss and Cathe. Congratulations to ALL of you. I admire anybody who can stick with a healthy way of eating and it soooo hard. In your own opinions, were there any particular rotations that you followed that seemed to work best at the time (I realize the whole thing is a journey), how did you overcome struggles or days you just didn't want to follow the program and workout?

Katiedid: When you mentioned you lost the 100#'s and then quit working out with Cathe, were you doing any particular exercise program at the time (other than Cathe), and were you still following WW?

Thanks again, everybody for replying with your answers!! It helps me so much to hear how people do it, what they went through, what they did, etc.

I think I will join that Weightloss discussion group on Monday's if nobody minds!!

Hi Kim, I started WW the beginning of Feb. hopefully for the last time. I lost 12lbs with the Help of Cathe and WW. I notice that this is the first time that my clothes fit even loser then now when I weighed less, because Im losing fat and gaining muscle. I can see the difference. Im so glad that I found Cathe because she does make it fun and I look forward to her workout because it is never boring. I do have almost everything except The terminator. I really like the PUB. I use that like 1 to 2 times a week with her other upper body workout like PS, PH, ME. The cardio that I use is bootcamp, some of her older steps, & kickboxing. I also go walking with some jogging, and ride the bike. You come to the right place. Good luck on your success:)
Hi Kim,

I started out with WW, a "Gazelle" trainer, a bicycle, and 135 pounds to lose. I used the Gazelle until I lost enough weight and built up enough strength to ride the bicycle. Then I rode my bike for a year and continued WW. Next, I added light weightlifting (Kathy Smith's 20-minute Lift Weights to Lose Weight). Only after all that did I work up to Cathe's tapes. I can do all of her strength tapes now, at the weight she uses (although she is still talking, which I most certainly couldn't do). Finally, after three years, I learned that even I could do step aerobics (again, I started with Kathy Smith and Gin Miller and worked my way up to Cathe). I've lost 99 pounds and still have a ways to go, but I feel terrific and take only 3 pills a day now, compared to the 8 a day I used to take for blood pressure, thyroid, diabetes etc.

Weight Watchers is a good plan, something you can live with for a lifetime because nothing's completely off-limits. I'm still using a modified version of WW, although I'm also incorporating some of the principles from BFL and limiting myself to low-glycemic carbs because of thyroid problems. As for Cathe, well, she's the ultimate. She's my inspiration to keep reaching higher. It drives me nuts that I can't finish all IMAX, for example. But it's the exercise that drives me, that keeps me eating right. I'd hate to expend all this time and energy on exercise, only to feel I've wasted it by eating badly.

I think you're on the right track, Kim. You've made some great choices, and you'll receive a lot of support and information by staying in touch with others in similar situations through this and other fitness websites.

Good luck!
Hey Kim,
The thing that keeps me on track...and I know it is different for planning to "cheat" so to speak. I am extremely rigid during the week and let up a little on the weekends. Or if I know a special event is coming, I'm sure to stick to WW and plan on allowing myself to eat what I want during the special event. Also, when I need a treat I keep fun size M&M's in my pantry. I did not do this until I was sure I would only eat one pack which equals two points. Another thought, I teach, and for some reason food is constantly being offered to teachers! The week I began WW I turned down homemade apple pie, Godiva chocolate, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and the list goes on....for some people this is not difficult...for me...I LOVE sweets! Now, when I begin to take something sweet I won't do it the first time I want it. I'll stop myself and think about I REALLY want will I feel after I eat it...I have that treat coming up this weekend so why eat this now...what could I eat instead. Also, plan your snacks! If you are going to a meeting where there is going to be food offered, bring your own snack and drink plenty of water. Believe me, it does get easier the longer you make healthy decisions.

Also, Kim, with WW, if you "blow" a meal or a "snack" don't give up that entire day or week as a lost cause. Get right back on the game plan. WW allows you to make good choices and the longer you stick with it the more good choices you make and they will out "weigh" so to speak the bad choices. I just wanted to encourage you since your last post. You will have some difficult days, but one difficult day does not nullify the other 6 good days!

Regarding exercise when I don't want to....I usually try not to think about it and crank up the music! Once I get going I'm usually totally into it! I haven't had this problem since I discovered Cathe though! Talk to yourself about all the benefits of exercise and allow yourself a rest if you need it!

One more thing, if you are lifting weights, there may be times when the scale says you didn't lose "pounds" but your clothes may fit better and you look trimmer.

Good luck Kim! You can do it! Also, focus on all the good qualities and characteristics that you offer those around you and don't feel like you have to constantly focus on how many pounds you lost that week. Keep up the great work!:7
Hey everybody!! Thanks for sharing your successes with me!! It's hearing these sort of stories that makes me know I can succeed, and knowing I have such a knowledgable group to keep me on track!!


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