Would it be pointless to go if I missed them? The entire family has been dying to find out the details/schedule of events, for this road trip, as we have been excited at the thought of going. However, due to religious reasons, we don't participate in extra-curricular activities during the day on Saturday, as it is our day of worship.
I've always passed up the roadtrips in the past due to this because it just didn't seem worth it to miss the main day, but this IS Cathe
AND Disney, and there is an extra (albeit- workout-less

) day included. Plus my fam has never been. We were praying that by some miracle that the Saturday thing wouldn't be too much of an obstacle, but now looking again at the schedule, it seems that I'll have missed everything by dinner time (when we'd be available to join the activities again).
I'm sure this sounds like a weird question, and I typically wouldn't be concerned, because we are used to not being involved in events that occur on Saturdays, and this is not even an issue for my family. (It wouldn't even concern any one in the family except for me, since my registration fees are only for my events - they just wanna go, lol, they don't mind) I'm just wondering because it seems that Saturday is the "meat" of the event. This also means that I'd only get 3 classes w/Cathe. Would it be a waste of $ to only attend Friday, Sat. night, and Sunday events?
(I suppose I could still eat the meals that I pay for on Sat- I mean, I'd have to eat anyway - but then I'd look like a freeloader, lol - eating and dipping out before class and "socializing")