Side Leg lifts PLB vs. PS-Legs


I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed that the lying side leg lifts in PLB seem much harder than those in Pure Strength - Legs.

In Pure Strength - Legs, they are done with a 15# body bar (I often use 5# ankle weights) and there are many more of them.

By the end of the set in PS - Legs, I'm really ready to move on to something else. But the smaller number in PLB (without weights!) really GOT ME. Part of the difference was that in PLB they are on a ball. I spent part of my energy, trying not to fly off the ball.

My outer thighs were talking to me way more in the smaller set in PLB than they ever have in PS-Legs & Abs.

Has anyone else noticed this? If so, does anyone know why?

Ditto for me Dona. PLB kills! I think you hit the nail on the head. You are working your core bigtime just trying to stabilize your body on that ball. (Trying NOT to fly off! :7 Ha!) I think the energy used, takes a lot out of us. At least that is MY excuse! I also find the second side much tougher to reach the end of the reps due to fatigue from doing the other side. We just need to keep at it and concentrate on NOT flying off the balls! Have fun!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I do not own PS, but I find the side leg lifts in PLB very difficult also. Last week was the first week I did the Intensity Series rotation. Boot Camp was easier the second time around - a little bit anyway - so I am hoping that PLB will be a little easier this week! I find the ab work using the stability ball to be a hoot! I can't wait until I am coordinated enough and strong enough to do the whole ab section correctly. I can't even remember which disk that is on - PUB I think?

Anyway, I am loving how Cathe's workouts keep me pushing and striving to achieve more physically. I am quite new to her workouts and am still just gushing with happiness at my find! Have a good evening everyone!
I've got news for you~even without the ball those outer thigh lifts will have your legs talking to you! By the end of the workout I can barely handle the stretch cause of the fire in my legs! :(


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

I totally agree with you about the PLB leg lifts!!

I don't have the PS-Legs, but I used to be a Firmie and did a lot of leg lifts. I actually worked my way up to 5# ankle weights and put a 12# dumb bell on my thigh. Not when I did PLB though. These leg lifts were so effective, I was shocked at how fast the move went into the muscle. I honestly don't know if I will ever use ankle weights with PLB, I don't think I will need to.

I wonder if the difference has to do with taking the leg down below the plane of the body?

It is so cool when old moves produce new sore. :)

I agree! Could it be something about the order of the exercises that does this? Aren't the side lifts after those froggy things on the ball - which just kill me. when she says 'ready for another set' I actually moan a 'no, please no' but guess what? we always do that 3rd set anyway.

I think part of it is the limited range of motion. When you are lying down, you have a greater range of motion. The move is much smaller and controled when on the ball, and again, we are working our core bigtime while tying to keep the ball stationary. In my classes, I can do "lying on the floor lifts" much, much longer with ankle weights on compared to the FEW reps Cathe does while proped on the ball. So, to me, it is the angle the muscle is being worked. Just an idea!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wow, I did those PLB leg lifts 2 nights ago and all I can say is.... UH HUH. I totally see what you guys mean now. I am usually the sorest 2 days later and I am really feeling it today! And after switching to the other side, my supporting leg was already fatigued and was hurting. I was just wondering if it was normal for that to happen when Cathe herself mentions it. But it's an excellent challenge.
I find that it helps me to take a short break and stretch my outer thighs (seated, with soles of shoes together) before doing these. If I don't , I end up gettting a cramp in the area, especially when doing the second leg (and the supporting leg cramps up).
I just did PLB tonight for the second time. All I can say about the leg lifts again is OUCH!x( Next time I may try doing the stability ball work first right after the warm up and then do the weighted leg work. I'm just curious to know if I could do more reps if I'm not so tired from all the previous work. Also,when I'm doing the stability ball work for inner thighs I don't really feel it in my inner thighs. My shins really hurt. Is that kind of weird? This is the first time I have ever used a stability ball so I probably just need to slowly work up to it and get used to it.:eek:

PLB legs lifts on the ball are much more difficult for me too! I noticed a slight *smirk* on Cathe's face when she mentions that you ca add weight to your program on these leg lifts if you need more of a challenge. (yea right!)

They are getting more doable as time goes on, however the second leg really burns for me after trying to stay on the ball during the first leg.

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